DOI : 10.1055/s-00000032

Klinische Neurophysiologie

Issue 03 · Volume 35 · September 2004 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-3534

49. Jahrestagung
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung
Jena, 15.–19. September 2004

Auer-Grumbach, M.; Schlotter-Weigel, B.; Lochmüller, H.; Strobl-Wildemann, G.; Auer-Grumbach, P.; Wagner, K.; Windpassinger, C.: Genotyp-Phänotyp Korrelationen bei heterozygoten BSCL2 Mutationen
Axer, H.; Grässel, D.; Fitzek, S.; Fitzek, C.; Jansen, R. H.; von Keyserlingk, Graf D.; Witte, O. W.: Impedance Measurements and Tissue Characteristics of the Human Brain: Real-Time Impedance Monitoring During Stereotactic Procedures
Bär, K. J.; Böttger, M. K.; Till, S.; Dolicek, J.; Sauer, H.: Lateralization of Pupillary Light Reflex Parameters
Bär, K. J.; Letzsch, A.; Jochum, T.; Wagner, G.; Greiner, W.; Sauer, H.: Loss of Efferent Vagal Activity in Acute Schizophrenia
Bär, K. J.; Brehm, S.; Wagner, G.; Jochum, T.; Sauer, H.: Pain Perception in Depression Depends on the Site of Stimulation
Barnikol, U. B.; Dammers, J.; Fieseler, T.; Boers, F.; Muren, A.; Wuttich, S.; Mohlberg, H.; Hesselmann, G.; Amunts, K.; Zilles, K.; Niedeggen, M.; Tass, P. A.: Differential Activation of Visual Areas V1 and V5 by Pattern Reversal Stimulation – An MEG Study
Bast, T.; Özkan, O.; Ramantani, G.; Metzke, T.; Seitz, A.; Andre, R.; Rating, D.; Scherg, M.: Intrinsic Epileptogenicity in Polymicrogyria: Loss of Deep Cortical Fissures Requires Simultaneous EEG with MEG Source Analysis
Baumgärtner, U.; Stöter, P.; Özcan, M.; Bauermann, T.; Treede, R. D.: Cerebral Activation Patterns of Tactile, Phasic and Tonic Painful Stimulation in Humans
Benecke, R.: Dystonias
Bense, S.; Schlindwein, P.; Prange, K.; Buchholz, H. G.; Brandt, T.; Bartenstein, P.; Dieterich, M.: Contralateral Activation of the Vestibular Cortex in Acute Vestibular Neuritis (FDG-PET Study)
Binkofski, F.; Siebner, H. R.; Buhmann, C.; Pramstaller, P.; Hedrich, K.; van Eimeren, T.; Büchel, C.; Klein, C.; Gaser, C.: Striatal Hypertrophy: A Mechanism for Preclinical Compensation in Parkin-Associated Parkinsonism?
Boers, F.; Fieseler, T.; Muren, A.; Tass, P. A.; Dammers, J.: Headshape Digitization using an Ultrasound 3D Acquisition System
Böttcher, J.; Reichenbach, J. R.; Sauner, D.; Mentzel, H. J.; Schmidt, P.; Fitzek, C.; Kaiser, W. A.: Visualization of symmetric striatopallidodentate calcinosis by using a high-resolution susceptibility-weighted MR sequence
Brodbeck, V.; Mühe, C.; Armbruster, S.; Weber, G.; Jansen, V.; Fietzek, U. M.; Heinen, F.: Lamotrigine in Pediatric Epileptology: Long-Term Profile of Cognition and Vigilance in 120 Patients (the L-Child Project)
Burmeister, H. P.; Böttcher, J.; Sauner, D.; Hahn, H. K.; Mentzel, H. J.; Fitzek, C.; Reichenbach, J. R.; Kaiser, W. A.: Volumetry of the Pituitary Gland: An Initial in vitro and in vivo MR Study
Butz, M.; Pollok, B.; Gross, J.; Dirks, M.; Timmermann, L.; Schnitzler, A.: The Cerebral Oscillatory Network of Writing – An MEG Study
Chen, X.; Sure, U.; Haag, A.; Knake, S.; Fritsch, B.; Müller, H. H.; Becker, R.; Hamer, H. M.; Rosenow, F.: Predictive Value of Electrocorticography in Epilepsy Patients with Unilateral Mesial Temporal Sclerosis Undergoing Selective Amygdalohippocampectomy
Clarenbach, P.; Horstmann, S.; Reinhold, N.; Markowitsch, H.: Declarative and Procedural Learning in Stroke, Parkinson's Disease and Sleep Apnea
Dammers, J.; Barnikol, U. B.; Wuttich, S.; Boers, F.; Muren, A.; Mohlberg, H.; Amunts, K.; Zilles, K.; Tass, P. A.: Combined MEG and Cytoarchitectonic Data Imaging
Deutschländer, A.; Stephan, T.; Wiesmann, M.; Dieterich, M.; Brandt, T.: Asymmetric Hemispheric Activations during 10° Lateral Gaze (fMRI Study)
Dieckhöfer, A.; Reminghorst, U.; Gobbelé, R.; Buchner, H.; Waberski, T. D.: Immediate Transcallosal Reorganization of the Somatosensory Cortex following Ipsilateral Anesthesia
Dinkelacker, V.; Grüter, M.; Klaver, P.; Kennerknecht, I.; Ruhlmann, J.; Elger, C. E.; Fernandez, G.; Weis, S.; Grüter, T.: Neural Correlates of Face Processing in Hereditary Prosopagnosia: A Functional MRI Study
Dirks, M.; Sach, M.; Glauche, V.; Bäumer, T.; Liepert, J.; Münchau, A. M.; Heimbach, B.; Winkler, G.; Büchel, C.; Weiller, C.: Cerebral Fiber Changes in Patients with Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis Assessed by Diffusion Tensor MRI
van Eimeren, T.; Münchau, A. M.; Weiller, C.; Siebner, H. R.: The Executive Motor System works Harder when Moving the Non-Preferred Hand
Elbert, T.; Schauer, M.; Neuner, F.: Memory of Traumatic Stress
Emmerich, E.; Richter, F.; Steiniger, T.; Lemke, S.; Rossburg, T.; Gießler, F.: Changed Acoustic Evoked Neuromagnetic Responses can be Recorded in Schizophrenic Patients with Auditory Hallucinations
Fiehler, K.; Ullsperger, M.; von Cramon, D. Y.: The Impact of Context Variables on Error Monitoring
Fincziczki, A.; Krause, P.; Eggert, T.; Straube, A.: A New Method to Evaluate Muscle Tone in the Upper Limb
Fitzek, C.; Haueisen, J.; Huonker, R.; Reichenbach, J. R.; Pfleiderer, S. O. R.; Mentzel, H. J.; Sauner, D.; Brandl, U.; Kaiser, W. A.: Exposure to a Routine MRI Brain Scan at 1.5 T does not affect Subsequent MEG Examinations
Fitzek, S.; Fitzek, C.; Axer, H.; Joachimski, F.; Marx, J. J.; Thömke, F.; Urban, P. P.; Stöter, P.; Witte, O. W.: Clinical course of isolated brain stem strokes
Frahm, C.; Haupt, C.; Witte, O. W.: GABA Neurons Survive Focal Ischemic Injury
Franke, K.; Schacher, M.; Mertens, M.; Jokeit, H.; Witte, O. W.; Ebner, A.; Pohlmann-Eden, B.; Wörmann, F.: Functional MRI Activation of Mesial and Anterior Temporal Lobe Structures in TLE
Fürst, A.; Draganski, B.; Felix, S.; Schulte-Mattler, W. J.: Ultrasound Imaging of the Sural Nerve Improves Near-Nerve Recording
Gaser, C.; Lüders, E.; Toga, A.; Thompson, P.: Cortical Complexity Measured via Regional Surface Shape
Gaser, C.; Nenadic, I.; Weiss, T.; Miltner, W. H. R.; Sauer, H.: Gray Matter Volume Loss after Upper Limb Amputation
Gießler, F.; Ringer, T.; Röther, J.; Nowak, H.; Eiselt, M.: Origin and Spread of Periinfarct Depolarization in Rats Detected by ECoG and MEG
Glaser, M. B.; Welschehold, S.; Grunert, P.; Perneczky, A.; Dellani, P. R.; Tropine, A.; Stöter, P.: Verification of the DTI-Fiber Tracked Tractus Corticospinalis during Neurosurgical Procedures – First Results
Gorsler, A.; Weiller, C.; Liepert, J.: Modulation of Afferent Inhibition in Healthy Subjects
Gross, J.; Schmitz, F.; Schnitzler, I.; Kessler, K.; Shapiro, K.; Hommel, B.; Schnitzler, A.: Modulation of Long-Range Neural Synchrony Associated with Changes in Visual Attention
Gross, J.; Schnitzler, A.; Münks, C.; Butz, M.; Timmermann, L.: Oscillatory Communication between Cerebral Areas Associated with Essential Tremor
Grosskreutz, J.; Frädrich, J.; Kaufmann, J.; Ribanna, H.; Bufler, J.; Dengler, R.; Heinze, H. J.; Peschel, T.: Cortical and Pyramidal Tract Pathology in ALS Patients as Detected by Voxel-Based Morphometry and Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Harscher, S.; Rummler, S.; Oelzner, P.; Isenmann, S.; Mentzel, H. J.; Witte, O. W.; Terborg, C.: Vasculitis with Involvement of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System and Anti-Ro Antibodies
Heide, W.; Zils, E.; Sprenger, A.; Gais, S.; Born, J.: Specific Deficits of Saccadic Eye Movements after Sleep Deprivation
Heimbach, B.; Kraft, S.; Behrens, H.; Winkler, G.; Sach, M.; Koch, U.; Weiller, C.: Beurteilung ambulanter Physiotherapie bei Hereditärer Spastischer Spinalparalyse (HSP) aus der Sicht Betroffener
Helmchen, C.; Rambold, H.; Sander, T.; Neumann, G.: Pontine Lesions Cause Deficits of Vergence to Step but not to Ramp Targets
Herpers, M.; Huppertz, H. J.; Pape, H. C.; Schulze-Bonhage, A.; Zentner, J.; Peper, M.: Synchronized Oscillatory Activities of the Human Amygdala and Hippocampus during Emotional Learning in Epileptic Patients
Hewig, J.; Hagemann, D.; Seifert, J.; Naumann, E.; Bartussek, D.: Decreased Cortical Activity in Impulsivity
Hilbig, H.; Elsner, D.; Merkwitz, C.; Dinse, H. R.: Enriched Environmental Housing Conditions and Hippocampal Structures of Aged Rats
Holler, I.; Ilic, T. V.; Peller, M.; Pötter, M.; Deuschl, G.; Siebner, H. R.: Low-Intensity Paired-Pulse rTMS given to the Primary Motor Cortex at 5Hz Attenuates Intracortical Excitability
Hoyer, D.; Zwiener, U.; Pompe, B.; Friedrich, H.; Baranowski, R.; Müller-Werdan, U.; Schmidt, H.: Heart Rate Information Flow Specifically Assesses Complex Cardiovascular Communication Alterations due to Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
Huonker, R.; Sauner, D.; Zysset, S.; Albermann, M.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Witte, O. W.: Comparison of Block vs. Event Design in fMRI of the Somatosensory System
Jarchow, S.; Schlösser, R.; Nenadic, I.; Sinsel, E.; Wagner, G.; Labadie, C.; Krumbein, I.; Fitzek, C.; Reichenbach, J. R.; Sauer, H.; Köhler, S.: Optimized Voxel-Based Group Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging by means of Barycentric Linear Anisotropy
Jokeit, H.; Schacher, M.; Huber, D.; Schaumann, R.; Grunwald, T.; Krämer, G.: Double Dissociation of Parahippocampal and Amygdalar fMRI Activation in Patients with Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Karch, S.; Mulert, C.; Jäger, L.; Teutsch, M.; Seifert, C.; Propp, S.; Pogarell, O.; Möller, H.; Hegerl, U.: Neurobiological Correlates of Disturbed Cognitive Functions in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Simultaneous EEG + fMRI Study
Kellinghaus, C.; Iwasaki, M.; Leigh, J. R.; Alexopoulos, A.; Hornig, K.; Kumar, A. N.; Han, Y. H.; Luders, H. O.: Effects of Blinks and Eyelid Closure on the EEG
Kirchner, A.; Birklein, F.; Stefan, H.; Neundörfer, B.: Vagus Nerve Stimulation – New Insight into the Antinociceptive Effect
Klostermann, F.; Kühn, A. A.; Wahl, M.; Marzinzik, F.; Pogosyan, A.; Kupsch, A.; Curio, G.; Brown, P.: Differential EEG Synchronization at Thalamic, Subthalamic and Cortical Levels during a Choice-Reaction Time Task
Krick, C. M.; Fuss, G.; Schröder, U.; Behnke, S.; Dillmann, U.; Schreckenberger, M.; Reith, W.; Becker, G.: Screening for Early Stages of Nigrostriatal Alteration (I): MR-T2-Relaxation and TCS in Healthy Subjects with Increased Echogenity of the SN
von Kriegstein, K.; Kleinschmidt, A.; Giraud, A. L.: Representation of Person Identity Information in Auditory and Visual Cortex
Krogias, C.; Kahle, M.; Eyding, J.; Buschleb, C.; Schroder, A.; Postert, T.; Wilkening, W.; Meves, S.: Brain Perfusion Imaging in a Case of Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis – Comparison between Ultrasonic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Kruse, B.; Tuxhorn, I.; Schmitt, J.; Schulz, R.; Wörmann, F.; Ebner, A.: Clinical and EEG Findings in Eleven Patients with Insular Epilepsies
Kunze, A.; Grass, S.; Witte, O. W.; Yamaguchi, M.; Kempermann, G.; Redecker, C.: Proliferation of Distinct Hippocampal Progenitor Cells after Cortical Infarcts in the Adult Brain
Kunzmann, V.; Blankertz, B.; Dornhege, G.; Krauledat, M.; Müller, K. R.; Curio, G.: The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface – Single trial classifications of phantom finger movements of arm amputees
Lang, N.; Rizzo, V.; Bagnato, S.; Quartarone, A.: Impaired Motor Cortex Plasticity in Patients with ALS
Lehmann, D.; König, T.; Henggeler, B.; Strik, W.; Kochi, K.; Koukkou, M.; Pascual-Marqui, R. D.: Brain Areas Activated during Electric Microstates of Mental Imagery versus Abstract Thinking
Liebmann, L.; Brühl, C.; Redecker, C.; Patt, S.; Witte, O. W.: Decreased paired-pulse inhibition following induced cortical gliomas in the rat
Losch, F.; Blankertz, B.; Müller, K. R.; Curio, G.: The Influence of Preceding Movements on Motor Cortical Activity in Finger-Tapping
Ludwig, J.; Guballa, C.; Remien, P.; Wasner, G.; Binder, A.; Pohle, S.; Schattschneider, J.; Herzog, J.; Volkmann, J.; Deuschl, G.; Baron, R.: Influence of Deep Brain Stimulation on the Autonomic Nervous System in Patients Suffering from Parkinson's Disease
Mackert, B. M.; Leistner, S.; Sander, T.; Liebert, A.; Wabnitz, H.; Burghoff, M.; Macdonald, R.; Trahms, L.; Curio, G.: Neurovascular Coupling Non-Invasively Characterized by Simultaneous DC-Magnetoencephalography and Time-Resolved Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Maihöfner, C.; Handwerker, H. O.; Birklein, F.; Neundörfer, B.: Functional Imaging in Complex-Regional Pain Syndromes
Maschke, M.; Tuite, P. J.; Pickett, K.; Wächter, T.; Konczak, J.: Improvement of Kinaesthetic Deficits by Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease
Meier, A.; Cunha, J.; Mauerer, C.; Vollmar, C.; Feddersen, B.; Noachtar, S.: Quantified Analysis of Wrist and Trunk Movements Differentiates between Hypermotor and Automotor Seizures
Mentzel, H. J.; Fitzek, C.; Böttcher, J.; Brandl, U.; Reichenbach, J. R.; Kaiser, W. A.: BOLD-MR Angiography as a Diagnostic Tool for Asymptomatic Cavernomas in Children
Mildner, T.; Zysset, S.; Trampel, R.; Driesel, W.; Möller, H. E.: Investigation of Blood-Flow Changes During Cognitive Task Activation using CASL
Morgen, K.; Kadom, N.; Sawaki, L.; Tessitore, A.; Ohayon, J.; McFarland, H.; Frank, J.; Martin, R.; Cohen, L.: Use-Dependent Plasticity in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Müller, D.; Moll, C. K. E.; Engel, A. K.; Struppler, A.: On the history of depth microelectrode recordings during functional stereotaxy
Müller, F.; Husemann, B.; Heller, S.; Krewer, C.; Quintern, J.; Koenig, E.: Gait Training with a Driven Gait Orthosis – Comparison between Lokomat and Treadmill Therapy
Najib, A.; Plewnia, C.; Reimold, M.; Plontke, S.; Brehm, B.; Gerloff, C.: Cortical Representations of Auditory Phantom Perception (Tinnitus)
Neundörfer, B.: Autonomic Neuropathies
Niehaus, L.; Gruber, D.; Hertel, R.; Ebersbach, G.; Eckert, M.; Kupsch, A.: Transcranial Sonography (TCS) of Brain Parenchyma in Corticobasal Degeneration
Nitsche, M. A.; Grundey, J.; Jaussi, W.; Liebetanz, D.; Lang, N.; Tergau, F.; Paulus, W.: Pharmacological Consolidation of Motor Cortical Neuroplasticity in Humans
Norra, C.; Buchner, H.; Bröcheler, A.; Becker, S.; Kawohl, W.; Vreemann, S.: Effects of Acute Tryptophan Depletion on the Loudness Intensity Dependence in a Healthy Female Population
Northoff, G.; Grimm, S.; Böcker, H.; Schmidt, C.; Bermpohl, F.; Heinzel, A.; Hell, D.; Bösiger, P.: Pattern of Neural Activity in Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Predicts High- and Low-Risk Behavior in Healthy Subjects
O'Dwyer, R.; Cunha, J.; Vollmar, C.; Mauerer, C.; Ebner, A.; Feddersen, B.; Noachtar, S.: Quantification of Ipsilateral and Contralateral Head Movements during Seizures in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Odin, P.: Apomorphin
Ohlendorf, S.; Speck, O.; Rutschmann, R.; Haller, S.; Kimmig, H.: Cortical Control of Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements: Sensory and Motor Components. An fMRI study
Pieperhoff, P.; Amunts, K.; Hoemke, L.; Mohlberg, H.; Habel, U.; Klein, M.; Shah, J. N.; Schneider, F.; Zilles, K.: MR Morphometry by Means of Deformation Field Analysis
Pleger, B.; Tegenthoff, M.; Ragert, P.; Foerster, A. F.; Dinse, H. R.; Schwenkreis, P.; Nicolas, V.; Maier, C.: Behavioural Treatment Reduces Pain Parallel to Restoration of Cortical Reorganization and Tactile Discrimination in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Pollok, B.; Suedmeyer, M.; Gross, J.; Schnitzler, A.: The Oscillatory Network of Simple Bimanual Repetitive Movements
Pongratz, D.: Inflammatory Myopathies
Preul, C.; Tittgemeyer, M.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Visualizing the Dynamics of Structural Brain Change
Ragert, P.; Pleger, B.; Voelker, B.; Maier, C.; Schwenkreis, P.; Foerster, A. F.; Nicolas, V.; Tegenthoff, M.; Dinse, H. R.: Impaired Tactile Performance in Patients with Hand Immobilization
Rauscher, A.; Sedlacik, J.; Fitzek, C.; Hochstetter, A.; Kalff, R.; Kaiser, W. A.; Reichenbach, J. R.: Application of Exogeneous Gaseous Agents in Patients with Brain Tumors using High-Resolution Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
Redecker, C.; Stangl, M.; Schroeter, M.; Jander, S.; Witte, O. W.; Dinse, H. R.: Activity-Induced Changes in GABAA Receptor Subunit Expression in the Senescent Rat Brain
Reis, J.; John, D.; Müller, H. H.; Hamer, H. M.; Oertel, W. H.; Rosenow, F.: Effect of Amantadine on Human Motor Cortex Excitability as Measured by TMS
Riedel, E.; Marx, E.; Stephan, T.; Deutschländer, A.; Bruening, R.; Brandt, T.: Visual Connectivity in Cases with Unilateral Focal Cortical Dysplasia or Hemispherectomy in fMRI
Riesner, D.; Rzepecki, P.; Nagel-Steger, L.; Feuerstein, S.; Linne, U.; Molt, O.; Zadmard, R.; Aschermann, K.; Wehner, M.; Schrader, T.: Prevention of Alzheimer's Associated Aβ-Aggregation by Rationally Designed Non-Peptidic β-Sheet Ligands
Ritter, P.; Moosmann, M.; Villringer, A.: Spontaneous EEG Rhythms and their fMRI Correlates
Rosburg, T.; Trautner, P.; Haueisen, J.; Boutros, N. N.; Sauer, H.; Elger, C. E.; Kurthen, M.: What determines the amplitude decrease of event-related potentials by repeated auditory stimulation?
Roth, M.; Reinhard, M.; Hetzel, A.; Timmer, J.: Mutual Information and Assesment of Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation
Salih, F.; Grosse, P.; Sharott, A.; Khatami, R.; Trottenberg, T.; Schneider, G. H.; Kupsch, A.; Brown, P.: Functional Connectivity between Cortex and Motor Nuclei of the Basal Ganglia across the Human Sleep-Wake Cycle
Schelter, B.; Winterhalder, M.; Timmer, J.: Direct or Indirect? Graphical Models for Neural Oscillators
Schickel, J.; Beetz, C.; Marx, M.; Meixner, A.; Bastmeier, M.; Deufel, T.: Functional Genetics of Spastin
Schiek, M.; Silex, C.; Tass, P. A.; Barnikol, U. B.; Hauptmann, C.; Freund, H. J.; Sturm, V.: Novel Deep Brain Stimulation Techniques based on Stochastic Phase Resetting Principles
Schlindwein, P.; Birklein, F.; Dieterich, M.; Buchholz, H. G.; Bartenstein, P.: Cerebral Correlates of the Activation of the Cardiovascular Autonomic Nervous System – An FDG-PET Study
Schlindwein, P.; Bauermann, T.; Bense, S.; Brandt, T.; Stöter, P.; Dieterich, M.: Time Courses of Cortical Vestibular Responses to Caloric Stimulation (fMRI)
Schmitz, M.; Klopfleisch, S.; Kloeppner, S.; Althaus, H. H.: Effect of Oligodendroglial Microdomain Components on NGF Signaling
Schnaudigel, S.; Ugur, T.; Kruggel, F.; Mentzel, H. J.; Fitzek, C.; Witte, O. W.; Hagemann, G.: Long-Term Brain Atrophy after Focal Ischemic Stroke: A Longitudinal Study Applying Deformation-Based Morphometry
Schneider, M.; Krick, C. M.; Retz, W.; Hengesch, G.; Reith, W.; Rösler, M.: FMRI activation patterns in adult patients with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Schneider, S.; Edwards, M. J.; Quinn, N. P.; Bhatia, K. P.: Adult-Onset Primary Limb Dystonia: Clinical Description of a Rare Entity
Schoenfeld, A.; Hopf, M.; Vielhaber, S.; Heinze, H. J.: Neural Reorganization versus Functional Compensation following Brain Lesions
Schormann, M.; Lee, S. H.; Lenartz, D.; Hesselmann, V.; Daumann, J.; Koulousakis, A.; Wilkening, M.; Sturm, V.; Lackner, K.; Klosterkoetter, J.: Intraoperative fMRI for Monitoring the Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation in Four Patients with Intractable Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Schramm, A.; Weise, D.; Reiners, K.; Naumann, M.; Classen, J.: Associative Motor Cortex Plasticity is Reduced on the Non-Affected Side in Focal Hand Dystonia
Schwab, M.; Menz, C.; Bludau, T.; Gerhardt, K. J.; Abrams, R. M.: Intrauterine Cerebral Processing of External Vibroacoustic Stimuli
Schwab, M.; Schwab, K.; Kott, M.; Szeto, H. H.: Intrauterine Development of Sleep States
Sedlacik, J.; Rauscher, A.; Deistung, A.; Reichenbach, J. R.: Modulation of Susceptibility-Weighted Contrast in Volunteers by Using Caffeine
Seitz, R. J.; Nickel, J.; Sabel, M.; Kleiser, R.; Joergens, S.; Tellmann, L.; Neeb, H.; Stoecker, T.; Shah, J. N.; Pauleit, D.; Stoffels, G.; Langen, K. J.; Indefrey, P.; Stummer, W.; Herzog, H.: Presurgical Multimodal Imaging in Patients with Cerebral Tumors
Seitz, R. J.; Stoeckel, M. C.; Pollok, B.; Joergens, S.; Witte, O. W.; Schnitzler, A.: The Somatosensory Hand Representation is Shrunken in Thalidomide-Induced Dysmelia
Shanina, E.; Redecker, C.; Reinecke, S.; Schallert, T.; Witte, O. W.: Long-Term Effects of Sequential Small Cortical Infarcts on Brain Volume and Cognitive Function
Silex, C.; Tass, P. A.; Schiek, M.; Hermes, N.; Rongen, H.; Barnikol, U. B.; Hauptmann, C.; Freund, H. J.; Sturm, V.: Novel Modulating Deep Brain Stimulation Techniques based on Real-Time Model in the Loop Concepts
Sinsel, E.; Schlösser, R.; Wagner, G.; Köhler, S.; Labadie, C.; Mentzel, H. J.; Sauer, H.: Neurofunctional Correlates and Pharmagological Modulation of Cognitive Inhibition in Major Depression: A Study with erfMRI
Spiegel, J.; Fuss, G.; Becker, G.; Dillmann, U.: Orthostatic Tremor during Modification of Stance
Sprenger, A.; Zils, E.; Sander, T.; Rambold, H.; Kömpf, D.; Straumann, D.; Helmchen, C.: Effect of 3,4-Diaminopyridine on the Gravity Dependence of Ocular Drift in Downbeat Nystagmus
Stefan, K.; Wycislo, M.; Leussink, V.; Schramm, A.; Naumann, M.; Reiners, K.; Classen, J.: Associative Motor Cortical Plasticity is Modulated by the Activation History of Motor Cortex
Stegelmeyer, U.; Rache, K.; Meister, I. G.; Gobbele, R.; Buchner, H.; Waberski, T. D.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Visuospatial Attention and Modulation by Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)
Suedmeyer, M.; Pollok, B.; Hefter, H.; Gross, J.; Wojtecki, L.; Butz, M.; Timmermann, L.; Schnitzler, A.: Involvement of Primary Motor Cortex in Wilson's Disease Postural Tremor
Tackenberg, B.; Moeller, J. C.; Rindock, H.; König, I.; Shiratori, V.; Sommer, N.; Oertel, W. H.; Rosenow, F.; Schepelmann, K.; Hamer, H. M.; Bandmann, O.: Central and Proximal Myelin Damage of Cranial Nerves in Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies
Taskin, B.; Jungehülsing, G. J.; Blankenburg, F.; Ruben, J.; Villringer, A.: Maintained Activity of Contralateral SII in Patients with Thalamic Infarction Affecting the VPL
Terborg, C.; Heide, G.; Axer, H.; Joachimski, F.; Köhler, S.; Witte, O. W.: Convulsive Syncopes in a Patient with Carotid Artery Disease
Thömke, F.; Iannetti, G. D.; Cruccu, G.; Fitzek, S.; Marx, J. J.; Urban, P. P.; Stöter, P.; Dieterich, M.; Hopf, H.: A Topodiagnostic Investigation on Lesions Causing Body Lateropulsion in the Absence of Clinical Signs of Vestibular Dysfunction
Ugur, T.; Schnaudigel, S.; Kruggel, F.; Fitzek, C.; Mentzel, H. J.; Witte, O. W.; Hagemann, G.: Does the Shape of the Brain Depend on Gravity?
Ullsperger, M.; Brass, M.; Knösche, T.; Phillips, N. A.: Timing of Task-Set Reconfiguration in Frontal and Parietal Cortices
Unger, F.; Schröttner, O.; Feichtinger, M.: Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Hypothalamic Hamartoma
Urbach, A.; Brühl, C.; Divanach, A.; Witte, O. W.: Cortical Gene Expression after Spreading Depression
Urban, P. P.; Bohl, J.; Abrao, L.; Stofft, E.: Absence of Muscle Spindles in Human Facial Muscles
Urban, P. P.; Zahn, M.; Schranz, S.; Rolke, R.; Glassl, O.; Pittermann, P.; Dieterich, M.: Breathing and Swallowing Pattern Abnormalities in Multiple Sclerosis
Urban, P. P.; Pittermann, P.; Kirchhoff, I.; Wahlmann, U.: Trigemino-Hypoglossal Silent Period – A New Pontomedullary Brainstem Reflex
Wagner, G.; Schlösser, R.; Sinsel, E.; Labadie, C.; Mentzel, H. J.; Krause, W.; Sauer, H.: Planning Abilities and Prefrontal Cortex: A Parametric efMRI Study with Tower-of-London Task
Wasner, G.; Remien, P.; Guballa, C.; Hirschner, M.; Binder, A.; Schattschneider, J.; Deuschl, G.; Baron, R.: Cutaneous Sympathetic Vasoconstrictor Function in Multiple System Atrophy and Parkinson's Disease
Wehrle, R.; Czisch, M.; Kaufmann, C.; Wetter, T. C.; Auer, D. P.; Pollmaecher, T.: Combined EEG/fMRI Recordings in Sleep Research
Weinert, D. M.; Kraus, E.; Gottwald, B.: Topographic Plasticity of Language Sites across Time
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