DOI: 10.1055/s-00000169

American Journal of Perinatology Reports

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 13 · Juli 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-57878

Case Report

Shirozu, Hiromitsu; Ichiyama, Masako; Ishimura, Masataka; Ayako, Kuraoka; Egami, Naoki; Dongchon, Kang; Nakano, Toshihide; Sagawa, Koichi; Ohga, Shouichi: Ductus Arteriosus Aneurysm and Pulmonary Artery Thromboses in a Protein S-Deficient Newborn
Lemieux, Mackenzie; Kus, Lauren; Stewart, Kali; He, Mai; Rowe, Jackson; Brady, Matthew; Bligard, Katherine; Lawlor, Megan; Kelly, Jeannie: Complete Hydatidiform Mole with a Coexisting Viable Male Fetus Detected by Cell-Free DNA