DOI : 10.1055/s-00000036


Issue S 02 · Volume 101 · May 2022 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-53666

Abstract- und Posterband - 93. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn Interface - Fokus Mensch im Zeitalter der technisierten Medizin
Deutsche Messe Hannover, 25.–28.05.2022

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Hans-J. Welkoborsky

Holtmann, EvaMaria; Zeise, Kerstin; Van Ackeren, Konstantin; Dazert, Stefan; Volkenstein, Stefan: Endolymphatic sac tumor as a rare differential diagnosis of sudden idiopathic hearing loss.
Hempe, Julia; Emmanuel, Benjamin; Böhm, Felix; Hoffmann, ThomasK.; Goldberg-Bockhorn, Eva: Cochlear implantation in a patient with Cogan’s syndrome and bilateral deafness
Issing, PeterRolf; Hammersen, JoachimJ.; Schneider, Jessica; Atanasova-Koch, Srebrena: Audiolgical Rehabilitation in a Rural Area
Holtmann, Laura; Hans, Stefan; Kaster, Friederike; Lang, Stephan; Ludwig, Johannes; Arweiler-Harbeck, Diana: Intraoperative localization of the electrode of the cochlear implant via Transimpedance Matrix Measurements
Schell, Viktor; Böttcher-Rebmann, Georg; Budde, Leon; Zuniga, M.Geraldine; Lenarz, Thomas; Rau, ThomasS.: A method to visualize orientation-independent forces in real-time during cochlear implant electrode array insertion
Körtje, Monika; Stöver, Timo; Leinung, Martin; Baumann, Uwe: Is an intraoperative Pre-Insertion Telemetry of a cochlear implant before insertion necessary?
Schade-Mann, Thore; Platzer, Damaris; Tropitzsch, Anke; Philipp, Julia; Riss, Dominik; Liepins, Rudolfs; Auinger, Alice; Honeder, Clemens: A new fitting-method for cochlear implant users based on stapedius-reflex measurements
Kaiser, Christina; Hans, Stefan; Holtmann, LauraChristine; Meyer, Moritz; Höing, Benedikt; Jung, Lea; Lang, Steohan; Arweiler-Harbeck, Diana: Retrospective analysis of intraoperative ECAP (electric compound action potentials) data from 812 patients treated with cochlear implants
Kludt, Eugen; Ewald, Silas; Salcher, Rolf; Willenborg, Kerstin; Lenarz, Thomas: ECochG and fluoroscopy based individualized cochlear implantation
Kaulitz, Stefan; Cebulla, Mario; Rak, Kristen; Hajzyk, Carolina; Hagen, Rudolf: A modified Floating Mass Transducer (FMTbig) used as a middle ear microphone– Temporal bone measurements
Klenzner, Thomas; Mütz, David; Schaumann, Katharina; Prinzen, Tom; Reinhardt, Sophia; Schipper, Jörg: Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in cochlear implantation (CI) – is a single shot enough?
Kramer, Sabine; Leinung, Martin; Stöver, Timo: Cochlear implantation in children with congenital unilateral deafness
Knörle, Esther; Guderian, Daniela; Leinung, Martin; Hartmann, Maria-Monika; Loth, Andreas; Stöver, Timo: Quality assessment of the information websites on cochlear implantation that can be found in an internet search
Thyson, Susann; Werminghaus, Maika; Bauer, Louisa; Schatton, Dorothee; van Treeck, Wiebke; Prinzen, Tom; Schaumann, Katharina; Klenzner, Thomas: Self-esteem of postlingually deaf adults with cochlear implant: a systematic review
Thangavelu, Kruthika; Gillhausen, Frederic; Müller-Mazzotta, Jochen; Stuck, BorisA.; Weiß, Rainer-Matthias; Reimann, Katrin: Post-operative Hearing and the role of intratympanic gentamicin therapy in patients with Menière's disease after Cochlear implantation
Steffens, Melanie; Demir, Gülan; Giesemann, Anja; Lenarz, Thomas; Durisin, Martin; Warnecke, Athanasia: Incidence and impact of cavitary otosclerosis in CI-treated patients
Shiraliyev, Kazim; Aschendorff, Antje; Arndt, Susan; Ketterer, ManuelChristoph; Beck, RainerLinus: Indications for CI reimplantation and CI survival rate
Spahn, Björn; Ilgen, Lukas; Müller-Graff, Franz-Tassilo; Völker, Johannes; Kurz, Anja; Hagen, Rudolf; Neun, Tilmann; Rak, Kristen: Development of a system for frequency-specific stimulation of the basal electrode contact in cochlear implantation
Strebinger, Thomas; Kretschmann, Darina; Gräbel, Stefan; Häußler, Sophia; Olze, Heidi: Complex outcome measurement after cochlear implantation: considering gender differences.
Löwenheim, Hubert; Schade-Mann, Thore; Schneider, Fritz; Arnold, Dirk; Volk, GerdFabian; Korth, Daniela; Aschenbach, René; Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando: Intra-operative measurements of the stapedius reflex via EMG – A feasibility clinical study
Lalos, Theodoros; Loth, Andreas; Leinung, Martin; Stöver, Timo: Evolution of the age distribution of cochlear implant users in the last 30 years
Waldeck, Stephan; Schmidt, Sandra: First expierience: Photon counter in CI- Care
Lyutenski, Stefan; Wendt, Susanne; Zellhuber, Nina; James, Paul; Bloching, Marc: Single perioperative Ceftriaxone prophylaxis is sufficient for cochlear implantation in adults
Weber, Lorena; van den Hurk, Gerda; Hackenberg, Stephan; Goncalves, Miguel; Kühn, Heike: Phoneme identification by adult cochlear implant users
Müller, JanaAnnina; Reinwaldt, Janique; Holube, Inga; Hochmuth, Sabine; Radeloff, Andreas: Validity of questionnaires in the context of the preliminary CI examination
Wallhäusser-Franke, Elisabeth; Balkenhol, Tobias; Zimmer, Alisha; Rotter, Nicole; Schell, Angela: Assessment of listening effort during OlSa sentence perception tests.
Tschammer, JulianDominik; Avallone, Emilio; Kludt, Eugen; Lesinski-Schiedat, Anke; Roßberg, Willi; Lenarz, Thomas: The technological advance in Cochlear Implant reimplantation
Völker, Johannes; Müller-Graff, Tassilo; Hagen, Rudolf; Rak, Kristen: Development of a new reinforced electrode for cochlear implantation in mastoid cavities
Todt, Ingo; Eichler, Theda; Riemann, Conrad; Scholtz, LarsUwe; Jadeed, Rawad; Pfeiffer, Christoph; Gehl, HansBjörn; Sudhoff, Holger: Effect of 3 T MRI on hair cell function in cochlear implantees
Völter, Christiane; Schirmer, Christiane; Stöckmann, Carolin; Dazert, Stefan: Computer-based auditory training for adult CI users
Rottmann, Tobias; Lenarz, Thomas; Büchner, Andreas: How much do CI users feel annoyed by noise in everyday life?
Yildiz, Cansel; Arndt, Susan; Aschendorff, Antje; Wesarg, Thomas; Beck, RainerLinus: Intraoperative ECAP amplitudes compared to postoperative speech understanding in adult CI users.
Sönnichsen, Rasmus; Llorach Tó, Gerard; Hochmuth, Sabine; Hohmann, Volker; Radeloff, Andreas: The influence of face masks on speech intelligibility of cochlear implant users
Wrobel, Christian; Zerche, Maria; Kusch, Kathrin; Mager, Thomas; Moser, Tobias: In vivo investigation of f-Chrimson variants for optogenetic hearing restoration
Zuberbier, Jaron; Häußler, Sophia; Gräbel, Stefan; Olze, Heidi: Cochlear implantation improves cognition in younger patients
Weller, Tobias; Timm, Max; Büchner, Andreas; Lenarz, Thomas: Optimized cochlear coverage to improve cochlear implant outcome
Artukarslan, Eralp-Niyazi; Zuniga, MariaGeraldine; Ewald, Silas; Lenarz, Thomas; Salcher, Rolf: Impact of electrode lead positioning on intracochlear electrode array location: it´s not over after the insertion.”
Beck, Rainer; Aschendorff, Antje; Ketterer, Manuel; Arndt, Susan: Evaluation of cochlear morphology and scalar position of a new slim and perimodiolar electrode array
Eichler, Theda; Rötz, Wiebke; Kummert, Franz; Kayser, Christoph; Römer, Michael; Bröhl, Felix; Witteborg, Henning; Sandmeier, Tobias; Schulte, Christoph; Todt, Ingo: Algorithm based hearing and speech therapy rehabilitation after cochlear implantation
Dohr, Dana; Wulf, Katharina; Grabow, Niels; Mlynski, Robert; Schraven, SebastianP.: A PLLA Coating does not Affect Insertion Pressure and Frictional Behavior of CI Electrode Array at Higher Insertion Speeds
Dyballa, Karl-Heinz; Nogueira, Waldo; Samii, Amir; Salcher, Rolf; Timm, Max; McKay, Colette; Lim, Hubert; Lenarz, Thomas: Clinical test results on patients with a novel electrical hearing prosthesis: the two-shank Auditory Midbrain Implant (AMI)
Francois, Laura; Khouchoua, Imane; Christov, Florian; Hackenberg, Stephan; Westhofen, Martin; Goncalves, Miguel: Influence of Tonotopic Cochlear Stimulation on Subjective Visual Vertical – A Pilot Study
Gärtner, Lutz; Lesinski-Schiedat, Anke; Lenarz, Thomas: Air cushion as a cause of inadequate coupling in a patient with a cochlear implant
Grzybowski, Marleen; Kley, Daniel; Lesinski-Schiedat, Anke; Lenarz, Thomas; Scheper, Verena: Food supplement induced residual hearing preservation in partial insertion -cochlear implantation (FIPPI-CI)
Giourgas, Alexandros; Illg, Angelika; Eßer-Leyding, Barbara; Lenarz, Thomas: Distress in parents of cochlear implanted children: Results of a survey
Großmann, Wilma; Gommlich, Luise; Oberhoffner, Tobias; Schraven, Sebastian; Mlynski, RobertArndt: Tinnitus severity and subjective Hearing Handicap after unilateral Cochlear-Implantation
Häußler, SophiaMarie; Stankow, Elisabeth; Gräbel, Stefan; Szczepek, Agnieszka; Knopke, Steffen; Olze, Heidi: Auditory rehabilitation with a cochlear implant improves cognitive performance
Haumann, Sabine; Lenarz, Thomas; Salcher, Rolf: Intraoperative recording of eABR using intracochlear stimulation
Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando; Arnold, Dirk; Korth, Daniela; Volk, GerdFabian; Aschenbach, René; Schneider, Fritz; Löwenheim, Hubert: Intra-operative access of the stapedius muscle via retrofacial approach – A feasibility clinical study
Höing, Benedikt; Kirchhoff, Lisa; Meyer, Moritz; Holtmann, Laura; Lang, Stephan; Steinmann, Jörg; Buer, Jan; Arweiler-Harbeck, Diana: Bacterial biofilm formation on Cochlear implants – a comparative analysis of the bacterial microenvironment of implant and speech processor