DOI: 10.1055/s-00051611

Archives of Plastic Surgery

Issue 03 · Volume 44 · May 2017 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-53360


Review Article

Original Article

Kappen, Isabelle Francisca Petronella Maria; Bittermann, Dirk; Janssen, Laura; Bittermann, Gerhard Koendert Pieter; Boonacker, Chantal; Haverkamp, Sarah; de Wilde, Hester; Van Der Heul, Marise; Specken, Tom FJMC; Koole, Ron; Kon, Moshe; Breugem, Corstiaan Cornelis; Mink van der Molen, Aebele Barber: Long-Term Follow-Up Study of Young Adults Treated for Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip, Alveolus, and Palate by a Treatment Protocol Including Two-Stage Palatoplasty: Speech Outcomes
Rossell-Perry, Percy; Cotrina-Rabanal, Omar; Barrenechea-Tarazona, Luis; Vargas-Chanduvi, Roberto; Paredes-Aponte, Luis; Romero-Narvaez, Carolina: Mucoperiosteal Flap Necrosis after Primary Palatoplasty in Patients with Cleft Palate

Case Report

Grassetti, Luca; Torresetti, Matteo; Scalise, Alessandro; Lazzeri, Davide; Di Benedetto, Giovanni: Acellular Dermal Matrices and Paraffinoma: A Modern Tool for a Nearly Obsolete Disease

Idea and Innovation


Kim, Tae Gon; Lee, Jin Ho; Chung, Kyu Jin; Lee, Jun-Ho; Kim, Yong-Ha; Chang, Chul Hoon: Spontaneous Pseudoaneurysm of the Proximal Occipital Artery Presenting as a Neck Mass
