DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Issue 03 · Volume 36 · February 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-42423

SMFM Fellowship Series Article

Shulman, Rachel; Sparks, Teresa N.; Gosnell, Kristen; Blat, Cinthia; Norton, Mary E.; Lee, Hanmin; Gonzalez-Velez, Juan; Goldstein, Ruth B.: Fetal Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation: The Role of an Objective Measurement of Cardiomediastinal Shift
Rhoades, Janine S.; Wesevich, Victoria G.; Tuuli, Methodius G.; Macones, George A.; Cahill, Alison G.: Implementation and Outcomes of Universal Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping at Term

Review Article

Faulhaber, Fabrízia R. S.; Procianoy, Renato S.; Silveira, Rita C.: Side Effects of Phototherapy on Neonates

Original Article

Thompson, Elizabeth J.; Perez, Krystle; Hornik, Christoph P.; Smith, P. Brian; Clark, Reese H.; Laughon, Matthew; on behalf of the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act—Pediatric Trials Network Steering Committee: Sildenafil Exposure in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Pineda, Roberta; Dewey, Kelsey; Jacobsen, Amy; Smith, Joan: Non-Nutritive Sucking in the Preterm Infant
Mazor, Elad; Sheiner, Eyal; Wainstock, Tamar; Attias, Monic; Walfisch, Asnat: The Association between Depressive State and Maternal Cognitive Function in Postpartum Women
Bender, Whitney R.; Koelper, Nathanael C.; Sammel, Mary D.; Dugoff, Lorraine: Association of Fetal Fraction of Cell-Free DNA and Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Aktas, Selma; Dogan, Caner; Okmen, Zeynep Hazıroglu; Gulec, Seda Geylani: Is Cord Blood Bilirubin Level a Reliable Predictor for Developing Significant Hyperbilirubinemia?
Rothwell, Erin; Johnson, Erin; Wong, Bob; Rose, Nancy C.; Latendresse, Gwen; Altizer, Roger; Zagal, Jose; Smid, Marcela; Watson, Abby; Botkin, Jeffrey R.: The Use of a Game-Based Decision Aid to Educate Pregnant Women about Prenatal Screening: A Randomized Controlled Study