DOI : 10.1055/s-00000089

Ultraschall in der Medizin - European Journal of Ultrasound

Issue S 1 · Volume 29 · 2008 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-12668

The XXth Congress of European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology – The XIth Romanian Conference of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
Euroson 2008
Timişoara, Romania, 31st May–3rd June 2008

Presidents: Norbert Gritzmann, President of EFSUMB – Ioan Sporea, President of SRUMB

Seicean, A.; Tantau, M.; Stanciu, R.; Badea, R.; Pascu, O.; Sparchez, Z.; Seicean, R.; Stan-Iuga, B.: Is endoscopic ultrasound useful in the management of pancreatic pseudocysts?
Piccolboni, D.; Ciccone, F.; Settembre, A.; Corcione, F.: The role of echo-laparoscopy in intra-operative diagnosis of duodeno-pancreatic diseases
Sconfienza, L. M.; Lacelli, F.; Grillo, G.; Serafini, G.; Garlaschi, G.; Silvestri, E.: Which is the role of dynamic high-resolution ultrasound (D-HRUS) in the assessment of plantar plate tears?
Golemanov, B.; Grigorov, N.; Mitova, R.; Genov, J.; Corucov, B.; Damjanov, D.; Vuchev, D.: Pair in rare located hydatid cysts
Brisc, C.; Maghiar, A.; Faur, L.; Frăţilă, O.: Complications of the ultrasound guided biopsy in liver focal lesions
Sconfienza, L. M.; Murolo, C.; Savarino, E.; Lacelli, F.; Serafini, G.; Neumaier, C. E.: Findings after ultrasound-guided fine needle ago-biopsy (FNAB) in suspected pancreatic lesions
Stoyan, H.; Katzarov, K.; Dunkov, Z.; Takov, D.; Stoyanova, D.; Simonova, M.; Vladov, N.: High frequency induced thermal therapy (HITT) – four modalities, more possibilities. how and when to do it?
Danila, M.; Sporea, I.; Tudora, A.; Sirli, R.; Popescu, A.; Ciof, O.: Upper GI bleeding – a rare complication occurring after PEIT
Danila, M.; Sporea, I.; Tudora, A.; Sirli, R.; Popescu, A.: Percutaneous ultrasound guided ethanol injection in the treatment of HCC-complications
Sconfienza, L. M.; Lacelli, F.; Perrone, N.; Silvestri, E.; Sarzi, S.; Serafini, G.: Ultrasound-guided injection of botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) in spastic iliopsoas treatment
Lacelli, F.; Sconfienza, L. M.; Paparo, F.; Serafini, G.; Garlaschi, G.; Silvestri, E.: Is the percutaneous ultrasound (US) guided approach effective in the treatment of painful plantar fasciitis?
Chiriac, S.; Claici, D.; Andrei, C.; Oneţ, D.; Banciu, C.; Chiriac, D.; Dumitraşcu, V.: Modern approach to post-traumatic hepatic hematoma – US guided percutaneus drainage
Chiriac, S.; Andrei, C.; Banciu, C.; Dumitraşcu, V.; Claici, D.; Oneţ, D.: Retroperitoneal germ cell tumor diagnosed by percutaneus transgastric US guided puncture biopsy
Tarantino, L.; Sordelli, I.; Nocera, V.; Piscopo, A.; Ripa, C.; Parmeggiani, D.; Sperlongano, P.: Large HCC ablation by a new saline-enhanced expandable radiofrequency device