Ultraschall Med 2008; 29 - OP_8_5
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1079901

Pair in rare located hydatid cysts

B Golemanov 1, N Grigorov 1, R Mitova 1, J Genov 1, B Corucov 1, D Damjanov 1, D Vuchev 2
  • 1University Hospital „Queen Joanna“, Clinical centre of gastroenterology, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • 2Medical University, Department of Parasitology and Tropical medicine, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Aim: Report of 7 year PAIR experience for treatment of rare located hydatid cysts.

Material and methods: 25 patients (11 male and 14 female) with 75 CE1 and CE3 WHO type extraliver hydatid cysts –67 (89.4%) in the abdominal cavity; 4 (5.3%) renal; 3 (4%) in the spleen and 1 (1.3%) in the m. quadriceps of the left thigh, average cyst size 7.8cm were included in the report. The cysts were treated with percutaneous or intraoperative PAIR under US control according to the WHO recommendations. 95% alcohol was used as scolecidal. Classic PAIR technique, different PAIR modifications and intraoperative PAIR were performed. Concomitant chemotherapy with Albendazole 10mg/kg/d was given to all patients.

Results: Reduction over 50% of the size was obtained in all cysts treated. Complete obliteration of the cyst content was observed in 22.7%, almost complete in 34.7%, partial in 29.3% after a 6 month follow up. Persisted significant liquid structure, „water Lily“ sign, absence of obliteration were observed in 13.3% and these cysts were treated with PAIR again. Serious post-manipulation complications, including severe anaphylactic reaction did not develop.

Conclusion: Treatment of rare located extraliver hydatid cysts as regards to indications, therapeutic efficacy and safety of PAIR should not differ from the treatment of liver cysts.