DOI : 10.1055/s-00000054


Issue 01 · Volume 38 · January 2005 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-3854

A joint meeting of the AGNP-TDM Group, of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie (AGNP) (Association of Neuropsychopharmacology and Pharmacopsychiatry) and the SGAMSP (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Arzneimittelsicherheit in der Psychiatrie/Société suisse de pharmacovigilance en psychiatrie/Swiss Society of Pharmacovigilance in Psychiatry) in collaboration with the AMSP e.V., Germany (German Society of Pharmacovigilance in Psychiatry) and ÖAMSP (Austrian Society of Pharmacovigilance in Psychiatry)
International Meeting on Pharmacovigilance in Psychiatry, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Pharmacogenetics of Psychotropic Drugs
Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1–3, 2004

Pierre Baumann, Prilly-Lausanne, Switzerland, and Josef Aldenhoff, Kiel, Germany

Aubry, J. M.; Baud, P.; Boucherie, M.; Leboyer, M.; Bellivier, F.; Buresi, C.; Ferrero, F.; Malafosse, A.: Antidepressant-induced Mania, Rapid Cycling and the Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism
Baumann, P.; Nikisch, G.; Eap, C. B.: Plasma-CSF Concentrations Relationship of Psychotropic Drugs
Bergemann, N.; Kress, K. R.; Abu-Tair, F.; Frick, A.; Kopitz, J.: Increase in Plasma Concentrations of Amisulpride after Receiving Co-Medication with Lithium
Bergemann, N.; Kress, K. R.; Abu-Tair, F.; Frick, A.; Kopitz, J.: Valproate Lowers Plasma Concentrations of Olanzapine
Berney, P.; Dayer-Daeniker, I.; Paschoud, A.; Schulz, P.: Nefazodone Withdrawal Syndrome Responds to the Administration of Trazodone
Buclin, T.; Jaquenoud Sirot, E.: Pharmacovigilance en Psychiatrie
Dahmen, N.; Schmidt, L. G.; Haeri, J.: Weight Gain in the AMSP System
Degner, D.; Niedmann, P.; Rüther, E.; Kropp, S.: Plasma Prolactin Levels During Treatment with Olanzapine
De Vries, C. S.: GP Databases, Record Linkage
Dragicevic, A.; Sachse, J.; Härtter, S.; Hiemke, C.; Müller, M. J.: Serum Concentrations of Quetiapine and Clinical Effects
Eliasson, E.; Ufer, M.; Bohman, L.: Experience with CYP2D6 Genotyping in Psychiatry
Fric, M.; Härtter, S.; Finzel, M.; Distler, G.; Laux, G.; Hiemke, C.: Mirtazapine Plasma Levels: Application of a Modified Target Concentration Intervention (TCI)
Fric, M.; Laux, G.; Rao, M. L.; Schmidmeier, R.; Eberl, J.; Kirchmeier, T.; Betzl, F.; Brunnauer, A.: Risperidone Plasma Levels in the Elderly with Dementia
Gaertner, I.; Baumann, P.; Hiemke, C.; Ulrich, S.; Eckermann, G.; Gerlach, M.; Kuss, H. J.; Laux, G.; Müller-Oerlinghausen, B.; Rao, M. L.; Riederer, P.; Zernig, G.: The AGNP-TDM Expert Group Consensus Guidelines: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Psychiatry
Galatti, L.; Ettore Giustini, S.; Sessa, A.; Polimeni, G.; Salvo, F.; Spina, E.; Caputi, A. P.: Neuropsychiatric Adverse Drug Reactions in General Practice
Grohmann, R.; Bender, S.; Engel, R.; Rüther, E.: AMSP Methods and Results on Severe ADR due to Antipsychotics
Hartmann, K.: Industry Databases
Hiemke, C.; Kuss, H. J.; Müller, M. J.; Rao, M. L.; Dragicevic, A.; Fric, M.; Geiger, E.; Grasmäder, K.; Härtter, S.; Laux, G.; Röschke, J.; Sachse, J.; Schanz, B.; Scherer, A.: The German Network on Depression: TDM of New and Old Antidepressant Drugs
Ignjatovic, D.; Ignjatovic, M.; Nutt, D. J.: Pharmacological Treatment of Late-Life Depression
Jaquenoud Sirot, E.; Stephan, P.; Knezevic, B.; Eap, C. B.; Baumann, P.: TDM and Pharmacogenetic Tests as Tools in Pharmacovigilance: Case Reports
Jaquenoud Sirot, E.; Stephan, P. L.; Baumann, P.: Severe Bruising as an Adverse Event: Chocolate or Fluvoxamine? Case Report
Maier, W.; Höfgen, B.; Wagner, M.; Rietschel, M.; Groß, M.; von Widdern, O.; Zobel, A.: Genetic Analysis of Neurobiological Indicators of Antidepressant Drug Response
Paus, E.; Lepore, M.; Jonzier-Perey, M.; Rochat, B.; Hornung, J. P.; Baumann, P.: Metabolism of Citalopram by MAO: Pharmacogenetic and Kinetic Animal Studies
Pfuhlmann, B.; Unterecker, S.; Polak, T.; Burger, R.; Riederer, P.: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in a Naturalistic Clinical Setting
Rieger-Gies, A.; Heller, S.; Stroba, G.; Daum-Kreysch, E.; Sachse, J.; Härtter, S.; Hiemke, C.: Storage and Transport Stability of New Antidepressant and Antipsychotic Drugs
Rothenhöfer, S.; Mehler-Wex, C.; Schupp, U.; Wewetzer, C.; Gerlach, M.: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Quetiapine in Child and Adolescents
Rygula, R.; Hiemke, C.; Abumaria, N.; Fluegge, G.; Ruether, E.; Havemann-Reinecke, U.: Pharmacokinetic and Behavioural Effects of Antidepressants Given Orally via Drinking Water in Rats
Schwarz, M. J.; Spellmann, I.; Müller-Arends, A.; Strassnig, M.; Zach, J.; Weber, K.; Müller, N.; Möller, H. J.; Riedel, M.: Risperidone Plasma Levels, Clinical Response and Side-Effects
Stübner, S.; Grohmann, R.; Engel, R.; Möller, H. J.; Hippius, H.; Rüther, E.: „Atypical Dyskinesia“ – Uncommon Adverse Reactions due to Psychotropic Drugs
Ulrich, S.; Sandmann, U.; Genz, A.: Haloperidol Pyridinium Serum Levels and Tardive Dyskinesia
Van Grootheest, K.: National Databases
Zernig, G.; Lechner, T.; Kramer-Reinstadler, K.; Hinterhuber, H.; Hiemke, C.; Saria, A.: The Practice of TDM in an Austrian University Hospital Setting: What the Clinician Still has to be Reminded of ...