DOI: 10.1055/s-00000054


Issue 01 · Volume 58 · January 2025 DOI: 10.1055/s-014-60867

Original Paper

Jin, Meijiang; Ji, Lei; Ran, Maojia; Wang, Zhujun; Bi, Yan; Zhang, Hang; Tao, Yuanmei; Xu, Hanmei; Zou, Shoukang; Zhang, Hong; Yu, Tao; Yin, Li: ABC Family Gene Polymorphisms and Cognitive Functions Interact to Influence Antidepressant Efficacy
Alcoverro-Fortuny, Oscar; Viñas Usan, Ferran; Sanabria, Carmen E.; Esnaola, Mikel; E. Rojo Rodes, José: Monitoring Anesthetic Depth Using the Patient State Index in Electroconvulsive Therapy Improves Seizure Quality


Khosravi, Mohsen; Alzahrani, Abdullah A.; Muhammed, Thikra M.; Hjazi, Ahmed; Abbas, Huda H.; AbdRabou, Mervat A.; Mohmmed, Karrar H.; Ghildiyal, Pallavi; Yumashev, Alexey; Elawady, Ahmed; Sarabandi, Sahel: Management of Refractory Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: What Role Should Psychiatrists Have?

Letter to the Editor

Ausschreibung Peter Müller Preis für Forschung im Bereich Schizophrenie