DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 32 · Januar 2011 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21594

Physiology & Biochemistry

Gordon, D.; Hopkins, S.; King, C.; Keiller, D.; Barnes, R. J.: Incidence of the Plateau at V˙O2max is Dependent on the Anaerobic Capacity
Wooten, J. S.; Phillips, M. D.; Mitchell, J. B.; Patrizi, R.; Pleasant, R. N.; Hein, R. M.; Menzies, R. D.; Barbee, J. J.: Resistance Exercise and Lipoproteins in Postmenopausal Women
Dopsaj, V.; Martinovic, J.; Dopsaj, M.; Stevuljevic, J. K.; Bogavac-Stanojevic, N.: Gender-Specific Oxidative Stress Parameters

Training & Testing

Frère, J.; Göpfert, B.; Nüesch, C.; Huber, C.; Fischer, M.; Wirz, D.; Friederich, N. F.: Kinematical and EMG-Classifications of a Fencing Attack
Granacher, U.; Wick, C.; Rueck, N.; Esposito, C.; Roth, R.; Zahner, L.: Promoting Balance and Strength in the Middle-Aged Workforce

Orthopedics & Biomechanics

Robertson, I. J.; Curran, C.; McCaffrey, N.; Shields, C. J.; McEntee, G. P.: Adductor Tenotomy in the Management of Groin Pain in Athletes
Quaine, F.; Vigouroux, L.; Paclet, F.; Colloud, F.: The Thumb During the Crimp Grip

Clinical Sciences

Helgerud, J.; Karlsen, T.; Kim, W. Y.; Høydal, K. L.; Støylen, A.; Pedersen, H.; Brix, L.; Ringgaard, S.; Kværness, J.; Hoff, J.: Interval and Strength Training in CAD Patients

Genetics & Molecular Biology

Lima, R. M.; Leite, T. K. M.; Pereira, R. W.; Rabelo, H. T.; Roth, S. M.; Oliveira, R. J.: ACE and ACTN3 Genotypes in Older Women: Muscular Phenotypes