Horm Metab Res 1981; 13(11): 626-631
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1019356
© Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart · New York

Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine Kinetics and Extrathyroidal Peripheral Conversion Rate of Thyroxine to Triiodothyronine in Healthy Elderly Humans

J. M. Miralles-García, C. García-Iglesias, F. De Pablo-Dávila, J. M. Lanao, S. Castro del Pozo
  • Servicio de Endocrinología, Cátedra de Patología General, Hospital Clínico Universitario, and Departamento de Farmacía Galénica, Facultad de Farmacia, Salamanca, Spain
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Publication Date:
14 March 2008 (online)


The influence of age on the kinetics of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), and on peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 has been studied, comparing a group of euthyroid, healthy, elderly individuals to a group of young individuals. A monocompartment model was adopted for the kinetics of T4, while a bicompartment model was used for T3.

No significant difference (p > 0.05) could be found in any of the kinetic parameters of T4 between the elderly and young groups. However, the following significant (p < 0.05) changes were noted for T3: an increased disposition constant in the phase of slow distribution (β), shortening of the half-life of this phase (T 1/2β), elevation of the central distribution volume Vc and the elimination constant K23, reduction of the K12:K23 ratio, and increased plasma metabolic clearance and hormonal daily turnover. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed for the percent turnover of T4 converted to T3.