Arzneimittelforschung 2004; 54(2): 95-101
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1296942
Cardiac Drugs · Cardiac Stimulants · Coronary Drugs
Editio Cantor Verlag Aulendorf (Germany)

Effects of α1-Acid Glycoprotein in Combination with Catecholamines on Hemorrhagic Hypovolemic Shock in Rats

Eva-Maria Muchitsch
Department of Experimental Pharmacology/Transgenic Animals, Baxter BioScience, Vienna, Austria
Ludwig Pichler
Department of Experimental Pharmacology/Transgenic Animals, Baxter BioScience, Vienna, Austria
Hans Peter Schwarz
Department of Experimental Pharmacology/Transgenic Animals, Baxter BioScience, Vienna, Austria
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Publication Date:
25 December 2011 (online)


To determine whether the beneficial effects of catecholamines on the variables of hemorrhagic hypovolemic shock are augmented by coadministration of α1acid glycoprotein during resuscitation, α1-acid glycoprotein (200 mg/kg), a placebo formulation or Ringer’s solution was infused in a rat model of hemorrhagic hypovolemic shock for 1 h concomitantly with either norepinephrine (CAS 51-40-1; 0.1, 0.3, 1 μg · kg−1 · min−1) or dopamine (CAS 62-31-7; 5, 10, 15 μg · kg−1 · min1). Resuscitation with norepinephrine or dopamine alone was continued for a further 4 h. Mean arterial blood pressure, cardiac output, stroke volume, heart rate and total peripheral vascular resistance were measured during the entire 5-h period. The combination of dopamine or norepinephrine with -acid glycoprotein more effectively restored mean arterial blood pressure and cardiac output than analogous combinations with placebo formulation or Ringer’s solution. So co-administration with α1-acid glycoprotein considerably augments the beneficial effects of catecholamines on the main variables of hemorrhagic hypovolemic shock.


Wirkungen von α1- saurem Glykoprotein in Kombination mit Katecholaminen auf den hämorrhagisch-hypovolämischen Schock bei der Ratte

Um zu bestimmen, ob die vorteilhaften Effekte von Katecholaminen auf die Variablen des hämorrhagisch-hypovolämischen Schockes durch die gleichzeitige Gabe von α1-saurem Glykoprotein während der Volumensubtitutionsphase verbessert werden können, wurde α1-sau-res Glykoprotein (200 mg/kg), eine Pla-zebo-Formulierungslösung oder Ringer-Lösung. Zusammenfassend ist festzustellen, daß die zusätzliche Gabe von α1-saurem Glykoprotein die vorteilhaften Wirkungen der Katecholamine auf die Hauptparameter eines hämorrhagisch-hypovolämischen Schocks wesentlich verbessert.