DOI: 10.1055/s-00056804

Sleep Science

Issue 03 · Volume 16 · September 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-58229

Original Article

Neves, Ana Carolynne Santos; Chaves, Sulyvan Italo Daher; Siqueira, Pedro Paulo Simões; Alves, Karla Michelle Lima; Studart-Pereira, Luciana Moraes; Jaguaribe-de-Lima, Anna Myrna: Sleep Quality, Excessive Daytime Sleepiness, and Physical Activity Level in Health Professionals with and Without COVID-19: a Cross-Sectional Study
Angellotti, María Florencia; Grandval, Sofía; Palma, Ileana; Giovini, Vanina; Jaritos, Verónica; Diaz-Lapasini, Gastón; Carnevale, Denise; Nogueira, Juan Facundo: Nocturnal Polysomnography without Technical Supervision in the Diagnosis of Respiratory Sleep Disorders, Diagnostic Performance of Home and Sleep Laboratory Studies
Costa, Francine dos Santos; Fernandez, Matheus dos Santos; Silva-Junior, Ivan Freire da; Karam, Sarah Arangurem; Chisini, Luiz Alexandre; Goettems, Marília Leão: Association Involving Possible Sleep Bruxism, Stress, and Depressive Symptoms in Brazilian University Students: A Cross-sectional Study

Short Communication

Ernst, Glenda; Dalzotto, Pablo; Saban, Melina; Ferraro, Fernando M.; Salvado, Alejandro; Borsini, Eduardo Enrique: The Cervical Fat Tissue Volume is a Predictor for Moderate to Severe OSA
Peña-Escudero, Carolina; Priego-Fernández, Sergio; Caba, Mario; Rodríguez-Alba, Juan Carlos; Corona-Morales, Aleph Alejandro; García-García, Fabio: Effect of a Hedonic Stimulus on the Sleep Architecture of Male Wistar Rats

Review Article

Frange, Cristina; Murray, Brian James; Coelho, Fernando Morgadinho Santos: The Importance of Sleep for Successful Neurorehabilitation after Stroke
Senff, Jordana; Bonotto, Danielle Veiga; Hilgenberg-Sydney, Priscila Brenner; Sebastiani, Aline; Scariot, Rafaela; Oda, Lisa Yurie: Childhood and Adolescents Sleep Bruxism Treatment: A Systematic Review
García-García, Fabio; Acosta-Hernández, Mario Eduardo; Beltrán-Parrazal, Luis; Rodríguez-Alba, Juan Carlos: The Role of Neuroglobin in the Sleep-Wake Cycle
Thorkildsen, Marianne Stenbekk; Gustad, Lise Tuset; Damås, Jan Kristian: The Effects of Shift Work on the Immune System: A Narrative Review

Case Report

Guimarães, Maria de Lourdes Rabelo; Ribeiro, Milena Carvalho Tourino; Barbosa, Thiago Antunes da Silva; Costa, Laila Gabriela de Figueiredo; Bastos, Patricia Souza: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment with Oral Appliance in a Myotonic Dystrophy Type I Subject: A Case Report