DOI : 10.1055/s-00035023

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Issue 04 · Volume 33 · July 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-48920

Abstracts of the 47th Annual Conference of the Veterinary Orthopedic Society
Sun Valley, Idaho, United States, 01.–08.02.2020

RH, Palmer; BC, Gadomski; KM, Labus; KC, McGilvray; BB, Nelson; HL, Stewart; CM, Puttlitz; JT, Easley: Evaluation of a Novel, Resorbable Interference Screw for CrCL Reconstruction
Kravitz, A; Epperly, E; Kagawa, Y; Kageyama, T; Amimoto, H; Koreeda, T; Kayano, M; Tomihari, M; Hayashi, K: Histological Analysis and Evaluation of the Efficacy of Computed Tomography on Diagnosis of Legg–Calvé–Perthes Disease in Toy Poodles: A Retrospective Study
KM, Neal; SW, Frederick; MR, Corse; AR, Cross: Evaluation of the Accuracy of a Novel Wedge Osteotomy Guide
SMS, Kendig; SW, Frederick; Boekhout, C; Terry, J; Scherk, J; AR, Cross: Coxofemoral Luxation Repair Using a Novel Push Anchor System in 10 Dogs: Technique and Outcome
EM, Collar; DS, Russell; MJ, Huber; KF, Duesterdieck-Zellmer; SM, Stover: Investigation into Lumbosacral Vertebral Anatomy and Physeal Closure in Quarter Horses
JN, Forbes; SW, Frederick; AR, Cross: Is Recheck Radiographic Examination Warranted following TPLO?
Rowland, A; Levine, G; Schnabel, L; Berglund, A; Antczak, D; Miller, D; AE, Watts: Allorecognition of Mesenchymal Stem Cells is Dependent on Major Histocompatibility Complex Haplotype
CM, Rohlf; TC, Garcia; LJ, Marsh; DP, Fyhrie; SS, le Jeune; Acutt, E; SM, Stover: Contribution of Arena Surface Properties to Equine Forelimb Fetlock Motion while Jumping
Rowland, A; Burns, M; Levine, G; AE, Watts: Xenogen-Free Stem Cell Preparation Enhances Safety and Efficacy
CA, Kirker-Head; Brisbois, A; Dietrich, A; McNamee, T; Hallowell, K; Specht, A; KM, Connolly: Creating A Novel Fracture Research Animal Models Database
SM, Fox; Donecker, J; NR, Stephenson: Synovetin Efficacy Short Abstract
Cunningham, R; Hudson, C; Chen, M; SW, Frederick; Corbin, E; Radasch, R; AR, Cross: Clinical Evaluation and Early Outcome Assessment of the Vetkiss Microlocking Plate System