DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Issue 03 · Volume 65 · 1991 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-45143


Review Article

Original Article

Prandoni, Paolo; Lensing, Anthonie W A; Huisman, Menno V; Jonker, Jan J C; Vigo, Mario; Borm, Judocus J J; Büller, Harry R; Sing, A K; Carta, Mariarosa; Cate, Jan Wouter ten: A New Computerized Impedance Plethysmograph: Accuracy in the Detection of Proximal Deep-Vein Thrombosis in Symptomatic Outpatients
Prandoni, P; Lensing, A W A; Büller, H R; Carta, M; Vigo, M; Cogo, A; Cuppini, S; ten Cate, J W: Failure of Computerized Impedance Plethysmography in the Diagnostic Management of Patients with Clinically Suspected Deep-Vein Thrombosis
Nosek-Cenkowska, B; Cheang, M S; Pizzi, N J; Israels, E D; Gerrard, J M: Bleeding/Bruising Symptomatology in Children with and without Bleeding Disorders
Schulman, Sam; Johnsson, Hans: Heparin, DDAVP and the Bleeding Time
Gringeri, A; Santagostino, E; Tradati, F; Giangrande, P LF; Mannucci, P M: Adverse Effects of Treatment with Porcine Factor VIII
Anderson, David R; Ginsberg, Jeffrey S; Burrows, Robert; Brill-Edwards, Pat: Subcutaneous Heparin Therapy during Pregnancy: a Need for Concern at the Time of Delivery
A Collaborative European Multicentre Study; Ninet, J; Bachet, Ph; Prandoni, P; Ruol, A; Vigo, M; Barret, A; Mericq, O; Boneu, B; Janvier, G; Duroux, P; Girard, Ph; Laprevote-Heully, M C; Sourou, P; Robert, D; Chagny, M; Nenci, G; Agnelli, G; d’Addato, M; Palumbo, H; Bensaid, J; Gouffault, J; Leborgne, P; Hellocco, A Le; Ducreux, J C; Tempelhoff, G; Sala-Planell, E; Rosendo-Carrera, A; Torres-Gomez, A; Blettery, B; Bachmann, F; Gaux, J C; Muntlak, H; Caulin, Ch; Bergmann, J F: A Randomised Trial of Subcutaneous Low Molecular Weight Heparin (CY 216) Compared with lntravenous Unfractionated Heparin in the Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis
Sane, David C; Stump, David C; Topol, Eric J; Sigmon, Kristina N; Kereiakes, Dean J; George, Barry S; Mantell, Susan J; Macy, Elizabeth; Collen, Désiré; Califf, Robert M: Correlation between Baseline Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Levels and Clinical Outcome during Therapy with Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Acute Myocardial Infarction
Vries, Carlie de; Veerman, Harry; Nesheim, Michael E; Pannekoek, Hans: Kinetic Characterization of Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator (t-PA) and t-PA Deletion Mutants
Philippé, J; Offner, F; Declerck, P J; Leroux-Roels, G; Vogelaers, D; Baele, G; Collen, D: Fibrinolysis and Coagulation in Patients with Infectious Disease and Sepsis
Stormorken, H; Hellum, B; Egeland, T; Abrahamsen, T G; Hovig, T: X-Linked Thrombocytopenia and Thrombocytopathia: Attenuated Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
Surya, Ingrid I; Mommersteeg, Marlene; Gorter, Gertie; Willem Erkelens, D; Akkerman, Jan-Willem N: Abnormal Platelet Functions in a Patient with Abetalipoproteinemia
Minuz, P; Lechi, C; Arosio, E; Guzzo, P; Zannoni, M; Lauciello, C; Lechi, A: Effect of Picotamide on Platelet Aggregation and on Thromboxane A2 Production In Vivo

Scientific and Standardization Committee Communications

Exner, Thomas; Triplett, Douglas A; Taberner, David; Machin, Samuel J: Guidelines for Testing and Revised Criteria for Lupus Anticoagulants

Letter to the Editor

Tait, R C; Walker, Isobel D; Islam, S I A; Mitchell, R; Conkie, J A; McCall, Frances; Davidson, J F: Age Related Changes in Protein C Activity in Healthy Adult Males
Fondevila, Carlos; Meschengieser, Susana; Lazzari, maria: Amiodarone-Acenocoumarin Interaction