DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 47 · 1982 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-45119

Original Article

Huber, Kurt; Kirchheimer, Johannes; Binder, Bernd R: Rapid Isolation of High Molecular Weight Urokinase from Native Human Urine
Jung, Stephanie M; Kinoshita, Kenji; Tanoue, Kenjiro; Isohisa, Ichiro; Yamazaki, Hiroh: Role of Surface Negative Charge in Platelet Function Related to the Hyperreactive State in Estrogen-Treated Prostatic Carcinoma
Markwardt, F; Hauptmann, J; Nowak, G; Kleßen, Ch; Walsmann, P: Pharmacological Studies on the Antithrombotic Action of Hirudin in Experimental Animals
Sharma, N K; Routledge, P A; Rawlins, M D; Davies, D M: Predicting the Dose of Warfarin for Therapeutic Anticoagulation
Hourdillé, P; Fialon, P; Belloc, F; Boisseau, M R; Andrieu, J M: Mepacrine Labelling Test and Uranaffin Cytochemical Reaction in Human Megakaryocytes
Winter, J H; Bennett, B; McTaggart, F; Douglas, A S: Lipoprotein Fractions and Antithrombin III Consumption During Clotting
Thomas, D P; Merton, Rosemary E; Barrowcliffe, T W; Thunberg, L; Lindahl, U: Effects of Heparin Oligosaccharides with High Affinity for Antithrombin III in Experimental Venous Thrombosis
Hallam, T J; Ruggles, P A; Scrutton, M C; Wallis, R B: Desensitisation in Human and Rabbit Blood Platelets

Letter to the Editor

Giustolisi, Rosario; Musso, Roberto; Russo, Mario; Catania, Nunzio; Lombardo, Turiddu; Cacciola, Elio: Possible Evidence for an Increased Factor VIII Antigen Synthesis in Vascular Endothelium of Diabetic Subjects
Bertelé, Vittorio; Falanga, Anna; Roncaglioni, Maria Carla; Cerletti, Chiara; Gaetano, Giovanni de: Thromboxane Synthetase Inhibition Results in Increased Platelet Sensitivity to Prostacyclin
Juhan-Vague, I; Riera, H; Aillaud, M F; Verdet, D; Sambuc, R: Measurement of Blood Heparin Levels - variation in Results with Assay Method
Lowe, Gordon; Belch, Jill; Regan, Karen; Forbes, Charles; Prentice, Colin: Sustained Increase in Anti-Xa Activity by Low-Dose Heparin in Medical Patients