DOI: 10.1055/s-00039245


Ausgabe 01 · Volume 01 · Juni 2013 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-41427

Dr. Cooley's Inaugural Article

Welcome Letter

Original Research Article

Guo, Gao; Ott, Claus-Eric; Grünhagen, Johannes; Muñoz-García, Begoña; Pletschacher, Angelika; Kallenbach, Klaus; von Kodolitsch, Yskert; Robinson, Peter N.: Indomethacin Prevents the Progression of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm in Marfan Syndrome Mice
Maleki, Shohreh; Björck, Hanna M.; Paloschi, Valentina; Kjellqvist, Sanela; Folkersen, Lasse; Jackson, Veronica; Franco-Cereceda, Anders; Eriksson, Per: Aneurysm Development in Patients With Bicuspid Aortic Valve (BAV): Possible Connection to Repair Deficiency?
Kuivaniemi, Helena; Sakalihasan, Natzi; Lederle, Frank A.; Jones, Gregory T.; Defraigne, Jean-Olivier; Labropoulos, Nicos; Legrand, Victor; Michel, Jean-Baptiste; Nienaber, Christoph; Radermecker, Marc A.; Elefteriades, John A.: New Insights Into Aortic Diseases

State-of-the-Art Review

Chun, Andrew S.; Elefteriades, John A.; Mukherjee, Sandip K.: Do β-Blockers Really Work for Prevention of Aortic Aneurysms?

Case Report

Images in Aortic Disease

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