DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Issue 08 · Volume 72 · 1994 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-40649

Review Article

Patston, Phillip A; Gettins, Peter G W: A Database of Recombinant Wild-type and Mutant Serpins

Original Article

Mancuso, David J; Tuley, Elodee A; Castillo, Ricardo; de Bosch, Norma; Mannucci, Pler M; Evan Sadler, J: Characterization of Partial Gene Deletions in Type III von Willebrand Disease with Alloantibody Inhibitors
Pini, M; Aiello, S; Manotti, C; Pattacini, C; Quintavalla, R; Poli, T; Tagliaferri, A; Dettoi, A G: Low Molecular Weight Heparin versus Warfarin in the Prevention of Recurrences after Deep Vein Thrombosis
Chowdhury, V; Lane, D A; Mille, B; Auberger, K; Gandenberger-Bachem, S; Pabinger, I; Olds, R J; Thein, S L: Homozygous Antithrombin Deficiency: Report of Two New Cases (99 Leu to Phe) Associated with Arterial and Venous Thrombosis
Sabin, Caroline; Pasi, John; Phillips, Andrew; Elford, Jonathan; Janossy, George; Lee, Christine: CD4+ Counts before and after Switching to Monoclonal High-Purity Factor VIII Concentrate in HIV-Infected Haemophilic Patients
Palareti, G; Legnani, C; Guazzaloca, G; Frascaro, M; Grauso, F; De Rosa, F; Fortunato, G; Coccheri, S: Activation of Blood Coagulation after Abrupt or Stepwise Withdrawal of Oral Anticoagulants - A Prospective Study
Eriksson, Bengt I; Kälebo, Peter; Ekman, Steffan; Lindbratt, Siv; Kerry, Roger; Close, Philippe: Direct Thrombin Inhibition with Rec-Hirudin CGP 39393 as Prophylaxis of Thromboembolie Complications after Total Hip Replacement
Rubens, Fraser D; Ross-Ouellet, Bonnie; Dennie, Carole; Coates, Geoffrey; Kinlough-Rathbone, Raelene L; Hatton, Mark W C: Displacement of Fibrin-bound Thrombin by r-Hirudin Precludes the Use of 131l-r-Hirudin for Detecting Pulmonary Emboli in the Rabbit
Yeh, Chih-Jung; Pan, Wen-Harn; Bai, Chyi-Huey; You, May-Su; Wang, Weih-Cinn; Wang, Liang-Yueh; Lee, Ti-Kuang: Curvilinear Relations between Age and Hemostatic Parameters in Chinese
Sosef, M N; Bosch, J G; van Oostayen, J; Visser, T; Reiber, J H C; Rosendaal, F R: Relation of Plasma Coagulation Factor VII and Fibrinogen to Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness
Tripodi, A; Chantarangkul, V; Braga, M; poller, L; ten Cate, J W; van den Besselaar, A M H P; Mannucci, P M: Results of a Multicenter Study Assessing the Status of Standardization of a Recombinant Thromboplastin for the Control of Oral Anticoagulant Therapy
Peyrou, V; Lormeau, J C; Caranobe, C; Gabaig, A M; Crepon, B; Salvin, S; Houin, G; Sié, P; Boneu, B: Pharmacological Properties of CY 216 and of Its ACLM and BCLM Components in the Rabbit
Rosenfeld, Brian A; Faraday, Nauder; Campbell, David; Sakima, Neal; Bell, William: The Effects of Bedrest on Circadian Changes in Hemostasis
Cortellaro, M; Cofrancesco, E; Boschetti, C; Mussoni, L; Donati, M B; Catalano, M; Gabrielli, L; Lambardi, B; Specchia, G; Tavazzi, L; Tremoli, E; Turri, M; PLAT Group: Association of Increased Fibrin Turnover and Defective Fibrinolytic Capacity with Leg Atherosclerosis
Vandaerscheren, Steven M F; Marie Stassen, Jean; Collen, Désiré: On the Immunogenicity of Recombinant Staphylokinase in Patients and in Animal Models
Oleksowicz, Leslie; Mrowlec, Zbignelw; Zuckerman, Dina; Isaacs, Randi; Dutcher, Janice; Puszkin, Elena: Platelet Activation Induced by lnterleukin-6: Evidence for a Mechanism Involving Arachidonic Acid Metabolism
Savi, P; Combalbert, J; Gaich, C; Rouchon, M-C; Maffrand, J-P; Berger, Y; Herbert, J-M: The Antiaggregating Activity of Clopidogrel Is due to a Metabolic Activation by the Hepatic Cytochrome P450-1A

Scientific and Standardization Committee Communication

Letter to the Editor

Cascio, Claudia Lo; Guzzo, Patrizia; Loschiavo, Carmelo; Manzato, Franco; Lechi, Clara: Platelet Intracellular Calcium Is not Modified by Subcutaneous Administration of Erythropoietin
Ariëns, R A S; Faioni, E M; Mannucci, P M: Repeated Release of the Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor