DOI: 10.1055/s-00035037

Methods of Information in Medicine

Issue 02 · Volume 47 · 2008 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-37507

News from the International Medical Informatics Association


Original Article

Biermans, M. C. J.; Verheij, R. A.; de Bakker, D. H.; Zielhuis, G. A.; de Vries Robbé, P. F.: Estimating Morbidity Ratesfrom Electronic Medical Records in General Practice
Visvanathan, M.; Breit, M.; Pfeifer, B.; Baumgartner, C.; Modre-Osprian, R.; Tilg, B.: DMSP – Database for Modeling Signaling Pathways
Dorda, W.; Duftschmid, G.; Gerhold, L.; Gall, W.; Gambal, J.: Austria’s Path Toward Nationwide Electronic Health Records
Llinás, G.; Rodríguez-Iñesta, D.; Mira, J. J.; Lorenzo, S.; Aibar, C.: A Comparison of Websites from Spanish, American and British Hospitals
Wieser, L.; Richter, H. E.; Plank, G.; Pfeifer, B.; Tilg, B.; Nowak, C. N.; Fischer, G.: A Finite Element Formulation for Atrial Tissue Monolayer
Duyck, P.; Pynoo, B.; Devolder, P.; Voet, T.; Adang, L.; Vercruysse, J.: User Acceptance of a Picture Archiving and Communication System
Ohashi, K.; Sakamoto, N.; Watanabe, M.; Mizushima, H.; Tanaka, H.: Development of a Telediagnosis Endoscopy System over Secure Internet
Weißbach, R.; Pfahlberg, A.; Gefeller, O.: Double-smoothing in Kernel Hazard Rate Estimation