DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Issue 03 · Volume 81 · 1999 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35710

Review Article

Turkstra, Franktien; Karemaker, Rosa; Kuijer, Philomeen M. M.; Prins, Martin H.; Büller, Harry R.: Is the Prevalence of the Factor V Leiden Mutation in Patients with Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis Really Different?
Grandone, Elvira; Margaglione, Maurizio; Colaizzo, Donatella; Cappucci, Giuseppe; Sciannamé, Natale; Montanaro, Sergio; Paladini, Dario; Martinelli, Pasquale; Minno, Giovanni Di: Prothrombotic Genetic Risk Factors and the Occurrence of Gestational Hypertension with or without Proteinuria
Kahn, Susan R.; Joseph, Lawrence; Abenhaim, Lucien; Leclerc, Jacques R.: Clinical Prediction of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Patients with Leg Symptoms
Eriksson, H.; Eriksson, U. G.; Frison, L.; Hansson, P. O.; Held, P.; Holmström, M.; Hägg, A.; Jonsson, T.; Lapidus, L.; Leijd, B.; Stockelberg, D.; Säfwenberg, U.; Taghavi, A.; Thorsén, M.: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Melagatran, a Novel Synthetic LMW Thrombin Inhibitor, in Patients with Acute DVT
van der Meer, Felix J. M.; Vos, Hans L.; Rosendaal, Frits R.: No Indication for APTT Screening in Patients on Oral Anticoagulant Therapy
Dunstan, David W.; Mori, Trevor A.; Puddey, Ian B.; Beilin, Lawrie J.; Burke, Valerie; Morton, Alan R.; Stanton, Kim G.: A Randomised, Controlled Study of the Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Dietary Fish on Coagulation and Fibrinolytic Factors in Type 2 Diabetics
Boberg, Kirsten Muri; Brosstad, Frank; Egeland, Thore; Egge, Tor; Schrumpf, Erik: Is a Prolonged Bleeding Time Associated with an Increased Risk of Hemorrhage after Liver Biopsy?
Jones, D. W.; Gallimore, M. J.; Harris, S. L.; Winter, M.: Antibodies to Factor XII Associated with Lupus Anticoagulant
Millet, J.; Jouault, S. Colliec; Mauray, S.; Theveniaux, J.; Sternberg, C.; Vidal, Boisson C.; Fischer, A. M.: Antithrombotic and Anticoagulant Activities of a Low Molecular Weight Fucoidan by the Subcutaneous Route
Lubetsky, Aharon; Dekel-Stern, Edit; Chetrit, Angela; Lubin, Flora; Halkin, Hillel: Vitamin K Intake and Sensitivity to Warfarin in Patients Consuming Regular Diets
Peyrou, V.; Lormeau, J. C; Hérault, J. P.; Gaich, C.; Pfliegger, A. M.; Herbert, J. M.: Contribution of Erythrocytes to Thrombin Generation in Whole Blood
Andreasen, P. A.; Egelund, R.; Jensen, S.; Rodenburg, K. W.: Solvent Effects on Activity and Conformation of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1
Lopez, Sophie; Peiretti, Franck; Morange, Pierre; Laouar, Amale; Fossat, Chantal; Bonardo, Bernadette; Huberman, Eliezer; Juhan-Vague, Irène; Nalbone, Gilles: Activation of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Synthesis by Phorbol Esters in Human Promyelocyte HL-60
Xue, Song; Green, Michael A.; LoGrasso, Philip V.; Boettcher, Brian R.; Madison, Edwin L.; Curtiss, Linda K.; Miles, Lindsey A.: Comparison of the Effects of Apo(a) Kringle IV-10 and Plasminogen Kringles on the Interactions of Lipoprotein(a) with Regulatory Molecules
Nojima, Junzo; Suehisa, Etsuji; Kuratsune, Hirohiko; Machii, Takashi; Koike, Takao; Kitani, Teruo; Kanakura, Yuzuru; Amino, Nobuyuki: Platelet Activation Induced by Combined Effects of Anticardiolipin and Lupus Anticoagulant IgG Antibodies in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Evangelista, Virgilio; Celardo, Antonio; Dell’Elba, Giuseppe; Manarini, Stefano; Mironov, Alexander; Gaetano, Giovanni de; Cerletti, Chiara: Platelet Contribution to Leukotriene Production in Inflammation: In Vivo Evidence in the Rabbit
Khatun, Selina; Kanayama, Naohiro; Belayet, Hossain Md.; Tokunaga, Naoki; Sumimoto, Kazuhiro; Kobayashi, Takao; Terao, Toshihiko: Induction of Hypercoagulability Condition by Chronic Localized Cold Stress in Rabbits

Scientific and Standardization Committee Communications

Sutor, Anton H.; von Kries, Rüdiger; Cornelissen, Marlies E. A.; McNinch, Andrew W.; Andrew, Maureen: Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding (VKDB) in Infancy
White, Gilbert C.; DiMichele, Donna; Mertens, Koen; Negrier, Claude; Peake, Ian R.; Prowse, Christopher; Schwaab, Ranier; Yoshioka, Akira; Ingerslev, Jørgen: Utilization of Previously Treated Patients (PTPs), Noninfected Patients (NIPs), and Previously Untreated Patients (PUPs) in the Evaluation of New Factor VIII and Factor IX Concentrates

Letters to the Editor

Henry, M.; Morange, P. E.; Canavy, I.; Alessi, M. C.; Juhan-Vague, I.: Rapid Detection of Factor XIII Val34Leu by Allele Specific PCR
Mohanty, Sujata; Saxena, Renu; Behari, Madhuri: Activated Protein C (APC) Resistance in Young Stroke Patients
Sakata, Toshiyuki; Katayama, Yoshiaki; Matsuyama, Tatsuo; Kato, Hisao; Miyata, Toshiyuki: Prevalence of Protein C Deficiency in Patients with Cardiovascular Problems in Japan
Bos, Gerard M. J.; Rijkers, Dirk T. S.; Willems, Huub P. J.; Heijer, den Martin; Béguin, Suzette; Gerrits, Wim B. J.; Hemker, Coenraad H.: The Elevated Risk for Venous Thrombosis in Persons with Hyperhomocysteinemia Is not Reflected by the Endogenous Thrombin Potential
Lasne, Dominique; Lefèbvre, Chantal; Nicaud, Viviane; Paul, Jean-François; Aiach, Martine; Fiessinger, Jean-Noël: Thrombomodulin in Patients with Takayasu’s Arteritis
Cotton, Frédéric; Sorlin, Philippe; Corvilain, Bernard; Fockedey, Jean-Marie; Capel, Paul: Interference with Oral Anticoagulant Treatment by Oestrogen – Influence of Oestrogen Administration Route
Jilma, B.; Fijnheer, R.; Blann, A. D.: Soluble P-selectin in Diabetes
Eis-Hübinger, A. M.; Sasowski, U.; Brackmann, H. H.: Parvovirus B19 DNA Contamination in Coagulation Factor VIII Products
Williams, Vaughan; Currie, Bart; Selvarajah, V.: Snakebite?