DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Issue 06 · Volume 79 · 1998 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35667

Review Article

Rapid Communication

Boffa, Marie-Claire; Valsecchi, Luca; Fausto, Alfonso; Gozin, Danielle; Vigano’ D’Angelo, Silvana; Safa, Omid; Castiglioni, Maria Teresa; Amiral, Jean; D’Angelo, Armando: Predictive Value of Plasma Thrombomodulin in Preeclampsia and Gestational Hypertension
Ishiguro, Akira; Ishikita, Takashi; Shimbo, Toshikazu; Matsubara, Kousaku; Baba, Kunizou; Hayashi, Yasuhide; Naritaka, Shin-ichi; Nakahata, Tatsutoshi: Elevation of Serum Thrombopoietin Precedes Thrombocytosis in Kawasaki Disease
Porcelijn, Leendert; Folman, Claudia C.; Bossers, Bernadette; Huiskes, Elly; Overbeeke, Marijke A. M.; Schoot, C. Ellen v. d.; de Haas, Masja; Borne, Albert E. G. Kr. v. d.: The Diagnostic Value of Thrombopoietin Level Measurements in Thrombocytopenia
Koike, Yukako; Yoneyama, Akiko; Shirai, Jun; Ishida, Tateru; Shoda, Eriko; Miyazaki, Kouji; Sunaga, Sinji; Horie, Ryoichi; Aoki, Katunori; Koike, Kazuhiko; Ogata, Iturou; Tahara, Tomoyuki; Kato, Takashi; Nakahara, Kazuhiko; Kariya, Toshitugu; Higashihara, Masaaki: Evaluation of Thrombopoiesis in Thrombocytopenic Disorders by Simultaneous Measurement of Reticulated Platelets of Whole Blood and Serum Thrombopoietin Concentrations
Crowther, M. A.; Donovan, D.; Harrison, L.; McGinnis, J.; Ginsberg, J.: Low-dose Oral Vitamin K Reliably Reverses Over-anticoagulation due to Warfarin
Garcia-Ribes, Miguel; Gonzalez-Lamuño, Domingo; Hernandez-Estefania, Rafael; Colman, Thierry; Pocovi, Miguel; Delgado-Rodriguez, Miguel; Garcia-Fuentes, Miguel; Revuelta, Jose M.: Polymorphism of the Platelet Glycoprotein IIIa Gene in Patients with Coronary Stenosis
Pislaru, Sorin V.; Pislaru, Cristina; Zhu, Xu; Arnout, Jef; Stassen, Tony; Vanhove, Philippe; Herbert, Jean-Marc; Meuleman, Dirk G.; Van de Werf, Frans: Comparison of a Synthetic Antithrombin III-binding Pentasaccharide and Standard Heparin as an Adjunct to Coronary Thrombolysis
Asselta, Rosanna; Duga, Stefano; Modugno, Michele; Malcovati, Massimo; Tenchini, Maria Luisa: Identification of a Glucocorticoid Response Element in the Human γ Chain Fibrinogen Promoter
Arocas, Véronique; Lemaire, Charlotte; Bouton, Marie-Christine; Bezeaud, Annie; Bon, Cassian; Guillin, Marie-Claude; Jandrot-Perrus, Martine: Inhibition of Thrombin-catalyzed Factor V Activation by Bothrojaracin
Mismetti, P.; Laporte-Simitsidis, S.; Navarro, C.; Sié, P.; d’Azemar, P.; Necciari, J.; Duret, J. P.; Gaud, C.; Decousus, H.; Boneu, B.: Aging and Venous Thromboembolism Influence the Pharmacodynamics of the Anti-Factor Xa and Anti-thrombin Activities of a Low Molecular Weight Heparin (Nadroparin)
Clark, P.; Brennand, J.; Conkie, J. A.; McCall, F.; Greer, I. A.; Walker, Isobel D.: Activated Protein C Sensitivity, Protein C, Protein S and Coagulation in Normal Pregnancy
Rainger, G. E.; Buckley, Christopher; Simmons, David L.; Nash, Gerard B.: Neutrophils Rolling on Immobilised Platelets Migrate into Homotypic Aggregates after Activation
Aoki, Toshiaki; Tomiyama, Yoshiaki; Honda, Shigenori; Senzaki, Kayoko; Tanaka, Akito; Okubo, Mitsuru; Takahashi, Fumie; Takasugi, Hisashi; Seki, Jiro: Difference of [Ca2+]i Movements in Platelets Stimulated by Thrombin and TRAP: the Involvement of αIIbβ3-Mediated TXA2 Synthesis
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Letters to the Editor

Kario, Kazuomi; Pokharel, Rohit Kumar; Hoshide, Satoshi; Shimada, Kazuyuki; Matsuo, Masafumi: Protein C Gene Polymorphism and Hypertensive Cerebrovascular Disease in Japanese
Casonato, A.; Pontara, E.; Bertomoro, A.; Zucchetto, A.; Girolami, A.: On the Release of von Willebrand Factor from Endothelial Cells after Venous Occlusion
Vickers, J.; Russwurm, S.; Dohrn, B.; Portele, T.; Spangenberg, P.; Reinhart, K.; Lösche, W.: Monocyte Tissue Factor (CD142) and Mac-1 (CD11b) Are Increased in Septic Patients