DOI : 10.1055/s-00000041


Issue S 01 · Volume 46 · April 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-005-28977

Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuropediatrics
Basel, 23–26 April 2015

Prof. Dr. Peter Weber

Heußinger, N.; Kontopantelis, E.; Gburek-Augustat, J.; Jenke, A.; Vollrath, G.; Korinthenberg, R.; Hofstetter, P.; Meyer, S.; Brecht, I.; Bajer-Kornek, B.; Herkenrath, P.; Schimmel, M.; Wenner, K.; Häusler, M.; Lutz, S.; Blaschek, A.; Smitka, M.; Karch, S.; Piepkorn, M.; Rostasy, K.; Weber, P.; Trollmann, R.; Klepper, J.; Häußler, M.; Hofmann, R.; Weissert, R.; Merkenschlager, A.; Buttmann, M.: Oligoclonal Bands Predict Multiple Sclerosis in Children with Isolated Optic Neuritis: A Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study
Zielonka, M.; Assmann, B.; Sommerburg, O.; Hoffmann, G.; Junghanss, T.; Ziegler, A.: Diagnostic Pitfalls in Tuberculous Meningitis
Idris, N.; Cagnoli, S.; Jenke, A.; Borusiak, P.: EBV Encephalitis in Acute Infectious Mononucleosis
Damm, M.; Wörle, H.; Reihle, C.; von Kalle, T.; Blankenburg, M.: MERS: Mild Encephalopathy/Encephalitis with Reversible Lesions in the Splenium Another Three Cases
Reihle, C.; von Kalle, T.; Schmiedel, G.; Severin, C.; Sauter, T.; Marquard, K.; Blankenburg, M.: Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis in Four Children
Rehm, D.; Schneider, J.; Heininger, U.; André, M.; Tacke, U.: Acute Hemiparesis Revealing Neuroborreliosis in a 3-Year-Old Boy
Elpers, C.; Groß, C.; Althaus, J.; Fiedler, B.; Meuth, S.; Kurlemann, G.: Predictive Value of Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Cytometry in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis
Jünemann, S.; Steiner, B.; Röthlisberger, B.; Schmitt-Mechelke, T.: Old Drug, New Mutation in Neonatal Epileptic Encephalopathies
Herbst, S.; Geis, T.; Borggräfe, I.; Debus, O.; Häußler, M.; Phillipi, H.; Ross, S.; Vosschulte, P.; Rossegg, U.; Beaud, N.; Budde, J.; Hahn, A.; Kurlemann, G.; Hehr, U.: Unraveling the Genotype-Specific Response to Antiepileptic Medication in LIS1 Associated Classic Lissencephaly
Jelesch, E.; Eitel, H.; Betzler, C.; Pringsheim, M.; Herberhold, T.; Pieper, T.; Till, H.; Winkler, P.; Biskup, S.; Hörtnagel, K.; Staudt, M.; Kluger, G.: Focal Cortical Dysplasia in a Family with KCNQ3 Mutation
Neumann, H.; Weigt-Usinger, K.; Selzer, L.; Helmke, F.; Thiels, C.; Daseking, M.; Petermann, F.; Lücke, T.: Cognitive Development in Children with Rolandic Epilepsy: Results of a Current PubMed Search
Koehler, K.; Münter, S.; Hamelmann, E.; Classen, G.: Case Report of a Patient with partial Trisomy 13q21.1qter
Selzer, L.; Weigt-Usinger, K.; Neumann, H.; Helmke, F.; Thiels, C.; Köhler, C.; Lücke, T.: Rolandic Epilepsy: Retrospective Analysis of Neuropsychological and Clinical Data
Lotte, J.; Bast, T.; Borusiak, P.; Coppola, A.; Cross, H.; Dimova, P.; Fogarasi, A.; Graness, I.; Guerrini, R.; Hjalgrim, H.; Kurlemann, G.; Leiz, S.; Linder-Lucht, M.; Loddenkemper, T.; Makowski, C.; Mühe, C.; Müller, A.; Nicolai, J.; Pellacani, S.; Philip, S.; Ruf, S.; Sánchez, I. Fernández; Schlachter, K.; Striano, P.; Sukhudyan, B.; Vermeulen, J.; Wilken, B.; Wolf, P.; Kluger, G.; Weisbrod, T.; Keimer, R.: Therapy and Clinical Course in 52 Patients with PCDH19 Mutations
Hubacher, M.; Oser, N.; Penner, I.; Schneider, J.; Weber, P.; Datta, A.: Internetwork Connectivity Alterations in Children with Benign Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes
Perret-Hoigné, E.; Steinlin, M.; Grunt, S.: LPIN1 Mutations are an Important Cause of Rhabdomyolysis
Trippe, H.; Bouikidis, A.; Lutz, S.; Della Marina, A.; Hauffa, B.; Schara, U.: Growth and Endocrinological Evaluation in Autosomal Recessive Proximal Spinal Muscular Atrophies Type I–III
Konzett, K.; Schober, H.; Blassnig-Ezeh, A.; Lütschg, J.; Simma, B.: Spinal Cord Monitoring in Patients with SMA Type III: A Case Report
Schwerin-Nagel, A.; Brunner-Krainz, M.; Gruber-Sedlmayr, U.; Seifert-Held, T.; Stroedter, L.; Quasthoff, S.: Neuralgic Amyotrophy: A Rare Disease in Adolescence
Greulich, N.; Klepper, J.; Müller, C.; Korinthenberg, R.; Heußinger, N.: Becker Muscular Dystrophy in a 2-Year-Old Boy caused by a Novel Missense Mutation p.Arg145Pro in the Dystrophin Gene
Bonati, U.; Hafner, P.; Erne, B.; Thomas, E.; Rutz, E.; Frank, S.; Hilker, C.; Deuster, S.; Gloor, M.; Bieri, O.; Sinnreich, M.; Fischmann, A.; Fischer, D.: Improved Muscle Function in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy using a Combination of L-Arginine and Metformin