DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Issue 10 · Volume 80 · July 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-27340

American Society of Pharmacognosy 2014 Annual Meeting – Held in conjunction with the 14th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals
Oxford, Mississippi, USA, 2.–6. August 2014

Chairmen: Larry A. Walker, Ph.D., Ikhlas A. Khan, Ph.D., Issue Editor: Mark O'Neil-Johnson

D'AmelioSr, FS; Mirhom, YW; Graziose, RT; Schulbaum, PL; Orduz, LE; Kim, JY; Peiris, PM: Pueraria mirifica, the rejuvenating herb and its unique phytoestrogenic constituents Miroestrol, its isomers and derivatives
Long, C; Wang, J; Shi, Y; Hong, L; Wang, Y; Petrova, V; Wu, SB; Kennelly, E: Ethnobotany of and antioxidants from Gerbera piloselloides
Haron, MH; Tyler, HL; Pugh, ND; Jackson, CR; Chandra, S; Moraes, RM; Maddox, VL; Pasco, DS: Immune enhancing Echinacea bacterial endophytes
Bae, JY; Park, WS; Kim, HJ; Chung, HJ; Chun, MS; Park, JH; Ahn, MJ: Chemical and morphological differentiation between Euonymus japonica and E. fortunei var. Radicans
Kim, HJ; Bae, JY; Park, WS; Jeong, EJ; Ahn, MJ: Gastroprotective and gut motility enhancing activities of sorrel
Anaya-Eugenio, G; Rivero-Cruz, I; Rivera-Chávez, J; Mata, R: Hypoglycemic properties of preparations and compounds from Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt.
Patel, U; Doyle, BJ; Locklear, TD; Perez, AL; Caceres, A; Mahady, GB: Mayan breadnut (Brosimum alicastrum Swingle) extracts have estrogen agonist/antagonist effects in vitro
Owolabi, MA; Baruwa, AB; Adeniji, EA; Oribayo, OO: Activities of Vernonia amygdalina on the fate of metformin in rabbits
Britton, ER; Todd, DA; Leyte-Lugo, M; Gulledge, T; Grubbs, LF; Oberhofer, M; Faeth, SH; Laster, SM; Cech, NB: Unraveling immunomodulatory activities of complex Echinacea purpurea extracts
Pawlus, AD; Freund, DM; Gentile, C; Munter, D; Starr, E; Kegley, S; Suresh, J; Wyse, DL; Hegeman, AD: Chemical profiles of American prickly ash, botanical dietary supplements from the Zanthoxylum genera