DOI: 10.1055/s-00000048

Osteosynthesis and Trauma Care

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 13 · August 2005 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-4304

Original Article

Fialka, C.; Michlits, W.; Stampfl, P.; Oberleitner, G.; Funovic, P.; Schmidt, W.; Aharinejad, A.; Vécsei, V.: Biomechanical Analysis of Different Operative Techniques for Complete Acromioclavicular Joint Disruptions
Doursounian, L.; Candelier, G.; Werther, J. R.; Jacquot, F.; Grimberg, J.: The Bilboquet Device for Fractures of the Proximal Humerus in the Elderly
Termaat, M. F.; Blokhuis, T. J.; Raijmakers, P. G. H. M.; de Lange-de Klerk, E. S. M.; Bakker, F. C.; Patka, P.; Haarman, H. J. T. M.: Post-Traumatic Chronic Osteomyelitis: A Rare and Problematic Diagnosis?