DOI: 10.1055/s-00000048

Osteosynthesis and Trauma Care

Ausgabe S 1 · Volume 11 · September 2003 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-2817

Gliatis, J.; Galanopoulos, G.; Megas, P.; Lambiris, E.: Retrograde Nailing of the Femur. Our Clinical Experience

Research - Fundamental

Gesicki, M.; Tibba, J.; Nguyen, C. K.; Beil, F. T.; Rueger, J. M.; Haberland, M.; Amling, M.: Testosterone is a Potent Accelerator of Fracture Healing: Early Structural Reconstruction and Improved Biomechanical Stability
Nguyen, C. K.; Gesicki, M.; Tibba, J.; Beil , F. T.; Rueger, J. M.; Haberland, M.; Amling, M.: Fracture Repair and the Role of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: Deleterious Effects of Diclofenac but not of Dexamethasone
Patka, P.; Stahl, J. P.; Sarkar, M.; Bakker, F. C.; Schnettler, R.; Haarman, H. J. T. M.: Bone Substitution and Augmentation in Trauma Surgery Using a Degradable Calcium Phosphate Bone Cement
Bashardoust Tajali, S.; Ebrahimi, E.; Kazemi, S.; Bayat, M.; Azari, A.; Azordegan, F.; Kamali, M.; Hoseinian, M.: Effects of He-Ne Laser Irradiation on Osteosynthesis
Akita, M.; Fujita, K.; Murata, E.; Asami, Y.; Nagatoro, T.; Suda, H.; Kaneko, K.: Expression of Angiogenic Growth Factors during Endochondral Ossification
Takis, D.; Poulios, G.; Iosifidis, M.; Papadopoulos, A.; Theofanidis, S.; Kamas, A.; Kalekou, X.; Giannakopoulos, I.: Study of the Reaming Products during Intramedullary Nailing of Long Bones



Fankhauser, F.; Seibert, F. J.; Peicha, G.; Boldin, C.; Haunschmied, C.; Szyszkowitz, R.: First Experiences with the New Proximal Humerus Locking Compression Plate
Cuny, C.; Irrazi, M.; Khalife, M.; Beau, P.; Durand, M.; Touchard, O.; Darbelley, L.: The Telegraph Nail® for Proximal Humerus Fractures, About 64 Cases at Two and a Half Years Follow-Up
Linhart, W.; Großterlinden, L.; Briem, D.; Hassunizadeh, B.; Ruecker, A. H.; Windolf, J.; Rueger, J. M.: Intramedullary Nailing of Proximal Humeral Fractures: Clinical Results of a Prospective Study
Duvivier, K.; Verbruggen, J.; Haagh, W.; Breedveld, P.; van Zutphen, S.; Stapert, J.: Operative versus Early Functional Management in Humeral Shaft Fractures: A Retrospective Study
Dimakopoulos, P.; Papas, M.; Kaisidis, A.; Panagopoulos , A.; Lambiris , E.: Antegrade Intramedullary Nailing in Humeral Shaft Fractures
Verettas, D.; Kazakos, K.; Boyatzis, C.; Galanis, B.; Tsipolitis, K.; Bourantas, J.: Treatment of Fractures of the Humerus with External Fixation
Sárváry, A. M.; Feczkó, J.; Wille, J.; Baranyi, G.: Revisions after Treatment of Diaphyseal Humeral Fractures


Nila, C.; Georgilas, I.; Tzourbakis, M.; Papadakis, E.; Patsopoulos, H.; Diamantopoulos, A.; Stavrou, Z.: Operative Technical Errors and Complications in Use of Gamma Nail
Theodoratos, G.; Karadimas, E.; Petroutsas, J.; Tsabazis, K.; Papanikolaoy, A.; Apergis, E.: The Treatment of the Femoral Diaphyseal Fracture with Intramedullary Nailing: A Review of 313 Cases
Loupasis, G.; Deros, J.; Papaeliou, A.; Zacharakis, N.; Melayes, Z.; Theodorakopoulos, P.; Assimakopoulos, A.: The Marchetti Bundle Nail in the Treatment of Comminuted Femoral Fractures
Papanikolaou, A.; Pavlakis, D.; Garas, G.; Anastasopoulos, S.; Karabalis, C.; Theodoratos, G.: Retrograde Femoral Nailing: Preliminary Experience
Funovics, P. T.; Greitbauer, M.; Vécsei, V.; Wozasek, G. E.: Clinical Outcome of Retrograde Nailing of Femoral Fractures in the Elderly
Karachalios, T.; Bargiotas, K.; Moraitis, T.; Zibis, A. H.; Zachos, V.; Papachristos, A.; Malizos, K. N.: Intramedullary Nailing for the Treatment of Femoral Non-Unions Following Multiple Failed Plate Fixations


Stafilas, K.; Mavrodontidis , A.; Koulouvaris, P.; Tokis, A.; Papakostas, B.; Xenakis, T.: Proximal Locking in Intramedullary Tibial Nailing: A Cadaveric Study
Petsatodes, G.; Christoforides, J.; Papadopoulos, P.; Hatzisymeon, A.; Gigis, J.; Pournaras, J.: Fractures of the Tibia Treated with a Reamed Russell-Taylor Intramedullary Interlocking Nail
Papadopoulos, E. C.; Babis, G. C.; Gandaifis, N.; Karachalios, T.; Tsarouchas, J.: Five Years Experience with the Orthofix Tibial Nailing System
Gautheron, T.; Alfon, J.; Scrimgeour, C.; Coutier, M.; Daaboul, K.; Benjelloun, S.: Border Line Indications of Nailing for Tibial Fractures after Skiing Injury
Stavlas, P.; Zacharakis, N.; Kouvaras, Y.; Daggas, S.; Koukos, K.; Polyzois, D.: The Results of the Operative Treatment of Pilon Fractures
Vastmans, J.; Muckley, T.; Hauck, S.; Boszczyk, B.; Bühren, V.: Intramedullary Nailing of Fractures of the Distal Tibia: A Borderline Indication


Peicha, G.; Tesch, P.; Fankhauser, F.; Windisch, G.; Seibert, F. J.; Grechenig, W.: Anatomic Morphology of the Lisfranc Joint Line - Risk Factor for Fractures and Fracture Dislocations?
Gautheron, T.; Scrimgeour, C.; Alfon, J.; Benjelloun, S.; Daaboul, K.; Coutier, M.: Computer-Aided Trauma Surgery: Preliminary Report of 32 Cases
Schütz, T.; Mückley, T.; Hofmann, G.; Potulski, M.; Bühren, V.: Psoas Abscess: The Spine as Primary Infection Source