DOI : 10.1055/s-00000041


Issue 02 · Volume 43 · April 2012 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-23054

Abstracts of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuropediatrics
Münster, 19th to 22nd April 2012

Chair: Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard Kurlemann, Münster

Elpers, C; Brentrup, A; Fiedler, B; Schwindt, W; Kuwertz-Bröking, E; Omran, H; Kurlemann, G: Rare course of an intraspinal dermoid
Karch, S; Kotzaeridou, U; Seitz, A; Rohrschneider, K; Engel, M; Pietz, J; Moog, U: Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis (ECCL) – a case report
Bertsche, A; Syrbe, S; Bernhard, M; Schober, C; Siekmeyer, W; Wygoda, S; Hantel, T; Fritzsch, D; Merkenschlager, A: Cerebellar Infarction and Coarctation of the Aorta – causal relation or coincidence?
Langhagen, T; Ertl-Wagner, B; Rettinger, N; Heinen, F; Jahn, K: Short vertigo attacks in childhood: vestibular paroxysmia