DOI: 10.1055/s-00000175


Issue 11 · Volume 53 · November 2003 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-22667

CNS-active Drugs · Hypnotics · Psychotropics · Sedatives

Jin, Guangyi; Luo, Xiaomin; He, Xuchang; Jiang, Hualiang; Zhang, Haiyan; Bai, Donglu: Synthesis and Docking Studies of Alkylene-linked Dimers of (−)-Huperzine A
Özkanlı, Fügen; Güney, Ahu; Çalış, Ünsal; Uzbay, Tayfun: Synthesis and Anticonvulsant Activity of Some New Dioxolane Derivatives
Kishore, Perumandla; Rajnarayana, Kandhagatla; Reddy, Mada S.; Sagar, Jenugu Vidya; Krishna, Devarakonda R.: Validated High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for Simultaneous Determination of Phenytoin, Phenobarbital and Carbamazepine in Human Serum
Mey, Christian de; Sułowicz, Władyslaw; Stompór, Tomasz; Ezan, Eric; Retzow, Angelika; Althause, Michael: Single Dose Pharmacokinetics of α-Dihydroergocryptine in Patients with Moderate to Severe Renal Insufficiency

Analgesics · Antiphlogistics · Antirheumatic Drugs

Tordjman, Charles; Sauveur, Freédeéric; Droual, Monique; Briss, Sylvie; Andrea, Nathalie; Bellot, Isabelle; Deschamps, Christine; Wierzbicki, Michel: Synthesis of the Butanamide Derivative S 19812, a New Dual Inhibitor of Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase Pathways
González-Peńas, Elena; Echeverría, Hugo Carlos; Mosqueraa, Javier; Esteras, Antonio; Bruseghinic, Leo: Bioavailability of Two Dermal Formulations of S(+)Ibuprofen in Rabbit

Special Themes

Dalpiaz, Alessandro; Vertuani, Gianni; Scatturin, Angelo; Vitali, Federica; Varani, Katia; Spisani, Susanna: Conformational Aspects of Human Formyl-peptide Receptor Agonists

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