DOI: 10.1055/s-00000054


Issue 06 · Volume 42 · November 2009 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-20546


Original Paper

Zwanzger, P.; Eser, D.; Nothdurfter, C.; Baghai, T. C.; Möller, H.-J.; Padberg, F.; Rupprecht, R.: Effects of the GABA-reuptake Inhibitor Tiagabine on Panic and Anxiety in Patients with Panic Disorder
Sartorius, A.; Hellweg, R.; Litzke, J.; Vogt, M.; Dormann, C.; Vollmayr, B.; Danker-Hopfe, H.; Gass, P.: Correlations and Discrepancies between Serum and Brain Tissue Levels of Neurotrophins after Electroconvulsive Treatment in Rats


Borbé, R.; Weisel, K.; Sachs, U. J. H.; Steinert, T.: Severe Psychotic Disorder and Agranulocytosis – A Therapeutic Dilemma
Voros, V.; Kovacs, A.; Herold, R.; Osvath, P.; Simon, M.; Fekete, S.; Tenyi, T.: Effectiveness of Intramuscular Aripiprazole Injection in Patients with Catatonia: Report on Three Cases
Müller, U. J.; Sturm, V.; Voges, J.; Heinze, H.-J.; Galazky, I.; Heldmann, M.; Scheich, H.; Bogerts, B.: Successful Treatment of Chronic Resistant Alcoholism by Deep Brain Stimulation of Nucleus Accumbens: First Experience with Three Cases