Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006; 54(3): 214-215
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-873064
Short Communications

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Mechanical Circulatory Support for Profound Cardiac Circulatory Shock Status Due to Postoperative Pulmonary Artery Bleeding

S.-C. Huang1 , 2 , W.-J. Ko1 , Y.-Y. Han2 , Y.-S. Chen1 , S.-S. Wang1 , Y.-C Lee1 , 2
  • 1Department of Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital, National Taiwan University School of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2Department of Traumatology, National Taiwan University Hospital, National Taiwan University School of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan
Further Information

Publication History

Received August 1, 2005

Publication Date:
26 April 2006 (online)


A 77-year-old patient suffering from life-threatening pulmonary artery bleeding after pulmonary lobectomy was resuscitated but had refractory cardiogenic shock after the bleeding was controlled. We used mechanical circulatory support with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and intra-aortic balloon pump to overcome the hemorrhagic shock-related cardiac suppression and multi-organ injury in the post-resuscitation critical period.


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MD Yung-Chie Lee

Department of Surgery
National Taiwan University Hospital

7 Chung-Shan S. Rd.

Taipei 100


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