Neuropediatrics 2004; 35(3): 190-193
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-815826
Short Communication

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

MRI Findings in Pediatric Neuro-Behçet's Disease

S. Saltik1 , S. Saip2 , N. Kocer3 , A. Siva2 , C. Yalçinkaya4
  • 1Department of Pediatrics, Social Security Istanbul, Goztepe Education Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
  • 2Department of Neurology, Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey
  • 3Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey
  • 4Department of Neurology, Division of Child Neurology, Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey
Further Information

Publication History

Received: February 10, 2003

Accepted after Revision: November 28, 2003

Publication Date:
12 July 2004 (online)


Behçet's disease (BD), a systemic vasculitis of unknown cause, affects many organs and systems. Neurological involvement is seen in 5 - 15 % of the patients, and the two major forms of neurological disease seen in BD are central nervous system (CNS) parenchymal involvement and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. We report a 14-year-old boy with BD who had neuro-parenchymal involvement. The diagnosis of the systemic disease was not made until the onset of the neurological manifestations, which led to an MRI study that revealed findings suggestive of CNS involvement of BD. We therefore emphasize the importance of the localization and appearance of other characteristics of the lesions on MRI in the differential diagnosis of parenchymal neuro-Behçet syndrome.


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Sema Saltik

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