Planta Med 2002; 68(10): 901-905
DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-34917
Original Paper
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Effects of Puerarin on Scopolamine-, Mecamylamine-, p-Chloroamphetamine- and Dizocilpine-Induced Inhibitory Avoidance Performance Impairment in Rats

Ming-Tsuen Hsieh1 , Li-Hsuan Kuo1 , Fan-Hsiu Tsai1 , Wen-Hsin Wang1 , Chi-Rei Wu1
  • 1Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, China Medical College, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Further Information

Publication History

Received: February 13, 2002

Accepted: May 11, 2002

Publication Date:
21 October 2002 (online)


Puerarin at 10 - 50 mg/kg attenuated the mecamylamine- but not scopolamine-induced acquisition impairment of inhibitory avoidance performance in an inverse U-shape manner. p-Chloroamphetamine- and dizocilpine-induced acquisition impairment were reversed by puerarin at 25 - 50 mg/kg. Both piracetam, and tacrine attenuated impairment of inhibitory avoidance performance induced by all used drugs. Furthermore, puerarin, piracetam and tacrine alone did not alter step-through latency in the training trail but puerarin at 50 mg/kg and tacrine plus mecamylamine prolonged it in comparison with mecamylamine alone. From these results, we suggest that puerarin attenuated the deficits of inhibitory avoidance performance induced by mecamylamine, p-chloroamphetamine, and dizocilpine, the effects were related to increasing cholinergic activity via nicotinic but not muscarinic receptors, activating NMDA receptors, and decreasing serotonergic neuronal activity.


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Assistant Professor Dr. Chi-Rei Wu

Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences

China Medical College

91, Hsieh Shih Road

40421, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.


Fax: 886-0943806654