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DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-34587
© Johann Ambrosius Barth
History of The Endocrine Effects of Licorice
Publication History
received 8 January 2002
first decision 11 February 2002
accepted 12 March 2002
Publication Date:
09 October 2002 (online)

The history of licorice as an officinal plant dates back thousands of years, and licorice is still appreciated as a medicinal root. Many of its endocrine properties can be derived from observations of Authors of the ancient world, when hormones were not known. Inappropriate use of licorice can produce pseudoaldosteronism, by inactivating 11β-hydroxysteroiod-dehydrogenase and by binding to mineralocorticoid receptors. Licorice possesses many other therapeutic properties as to potentiate the action of cortisol, to reduce testosterone synthesis, especially in women, to exert an estrogen-like activity and to reduce body fat mass. The chronological development of research on these effects is described.
Key words:
Licorice - Glycyrrhetinic acid - Endocrine properties - History
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Prof. Decio Armanini
Dept. of Medical and Surgical Science - Endocrinology
Via Ospedale 105
35100 Padua