Osteosynthese International 2001; 9(Suppl. 2): S39-S40
DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-17027

J.A.Barth Verlag in Medizinverlage Heidelberg GmbH & Co.KG

Acute shortening followed by distraction osteogenesis for limb reconstruction

A comparison to simple lengtheningR. H. Meffert1 , Nozomu Inoue2 , E. McCarthy2 , E. Brug1 , E. Y.S Chao2
  • 1Klinik und Poliklinik für Unfall- und Handchirurgie, Universität Münster
  • 2Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Ross Research Building, Baltimore, USA
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
12 September 2001 (online)

Acute limb shortening to close diaphyseal bone defects after trauma or resection of infected, necrotic or tumor bone may allow early bridging through the approximated fragments [1] [3] [6]. After acute limb shortening, a second operation including a corticotomy for distraction osteogenesis in the metaphyseal area is usually performed [2] [3] [4]. The value of primary limb shortening and secondary distraction osteogenesis from the shortening site to treat diaphyseal bone defects has not been experimentally investigated. Such a proce¿dure, however, would strongly undermine the established principles we learned from Ilizarov. This study was aimed to characterize the properties of regener¿ated bone through acute short¿ening and gradual lengthening in comparison to simple lengthening proced¿ures using the same rabbit model. Mechanical prop¿erties of the biomechanical environment of this model were evaluated and standardized earlier [5]. Different parameters of this method were compared to the simple lengthening procedure. New bone formation was evaluated mechanically, radiologically, by his¿tomorphometry and densitometry. Compartment pressure and muscle function were monitored.


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  • 2 Brutscher R. Application and techniques of callus distraction.  Injury. 1994;  (Suppl. 1) 28-32
  • 3 Giebel G. Kallusdistraktion, Klinische Anwendung. 3rd Edition. Thieme, Stuttgart, New York 1999
  • 4 Ilizarov G A. Transosseus Osteosynthesis. Ed. 1. Springer, Berlin, New York 1992
  • 5 Meffert R H, Tis J E, Lounici S, Rogers J S, Inoue N, Chao E YS. The rabbit model for external long bone fixation: Mechanical evaluation of the tibia-fixator complex in vitro.  Lab Animal Science. 1999;  49 650-654
  • 6 Möllenhoff G, Josten C, Muhr G. Kallotaxis - Osteogenese durch Dehnung - eine schonende Möglichkeit der Beinlängenwiederherstellung nach posttraumatischer primärer Unterschenkelverkürzung.  Zentralbl Chir. 1997;  122 970-973

Rainer H. Meffert

Klinik und Poliklinik für
Unfall- und Handchirurgie
Universität Münster

Waldeyer Straße 1

D-48149 Münster