Int J Sports Med 2001; 22(2): 144-148
DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-11341
Orthopedics and Clinical Science

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ·New York

Proprioception in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Endoscopic versus Open Two-Tunnel Technique

A Prospective StudyR. Fremerey,  P. Lobenhoffer,  M. Skutek,  T. Gerich,  U. Bosch
  • Trauma Department, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
31 December 2001 (online)

ACL-reconstruction with patellar tendon autograft is a standard procedure which can be performed arthroscopically with a femoral half tunnel drilled from the joint or using the two-tunnel technique with medial miniarthrotomy and additional femoral approach. The arthroscopic procedure with single incision was hypothesized to improve proprioception and to provide earlier rehabilitation. Twenty-nine patients with chronic ACL-deficiency were included in the prospective study. Fifteen patients were operated endoscopically, 14 patients using the two-tunnel technique. Proprioception, Lysholm and Tegner scores as well as stability (KT-1000) were assessed preoperatively, 3 and 6 months postoperatively as well as after 3.9 ± 0.4 years. A significant deficit of proprioception was assessed in both groups preoperatively. Six months postoperatively, both groups showed a restitution of proprioception near full extension and full flexion of the knee. In the mid-range position, the proprioception could not be restored. At the final examination after 3.9 years, the deficit documented in the mid-range position still persisted. There were no differences in proprioception, clinical results and stability between the arthroscopic and the open technique.


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R. Fremerey,M.D. 

Trauma DepartmentHannover Medical School

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