Semin Speech Lang
DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1789219
Review Article: Adult

Making Assessment Real: Audrey Holland's Contributions to the Assessment of Aphasia and Cognitive-Communication Disorders in Clinical and Research Settings

Lisa H. Milman
1   Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
Laura L. Murray
2   Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada
› Author Affiliations


For half a century, Dr. Audrey Holland investigated, developed, and implemented ways to extend the assessment of adult language and cognitive-communication disorders beyond traditional impairment-based approaches. This article summarizes Dr. Holland's many groundbreaking contributions to assessment practices by describing and exemplifying major conceptual and measurement innovations that have emerged from her research of both formal and informal assessment techniques. Dr. Holland's assessment contributions encompass the development of many widely used measures of functional communication, discourse, and cognitive-communication abilities. She also contributed to the development of assessment principles that have become part of best-practice standards of care. Some of her most significant contributions include: Drawing attention to assessment within authentic functional contexts; highlighting connections between language, communication, related cognitive abilities, and broader aspects of health including quality of life; raising psychometric standards; and emphasizing the value of implementing multiple person-centered measurement techniques spanning formal and informal as well as quantitative and qualitative approaches. Dr. Holland's career-long commitment and contributions to developing more meaningful and authentic assessment practices have transformed our field and substantively elevated the quality of care and services that we are able to provide to all persons who are impacted by language and cognitive-communication disorders.

Publication History

Article published online:
23 August 2024

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Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
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