Synlett 2020; 31(19): 1851-1856
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1707908

C–H Functionalization Reactions of Phenyl and Vinyl Carbocations Paired with Weakly Coordinating Anions

Stasik Popov
Brian Shao
Alex L. Bagdasarian
Benjamin Wigman
Hosea M. Nelson
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, 90095, USA   Email:
› Author Affiliations
Support was generously provided by UCLA, the David and Lucile Packard foundation (to H.M.N.), the PEW charitable trusts (to H.M.N.), the NIH-NIGMS (R35 GM128936 to H.M.N.), and the Alfred P. Sloan foundation (to H.M.N.). A.L.B, S.P., and B.W. thank the Christopher S. Foote fellowship for funding. S.P. and B.W. thank the National Science Foundation (DGE-1650604) for funding.


Carbocations have played a central role in the chemical sciences for over a century. In a synthetic setting, most methods utilize stabilized tricoordinate carbocations, while there are far fewer examples of reactions featuring nonstabilized dicoordinate cations. Here, we provide an overview of recent developments in the generation of high-energy carbocations mediated by weakly coordinating anions and the C–H insertion reactions of such carbocations. Moreover, we discuss mechanistic studies of these catalytic C–H insertion reactions aimed at furthering our understanding of the reactive nature of these rarely invoked cationic intermediates.

1 Introduction

2 Background: Phenyl Carbocations

3 Silylium/Carborane-Catalyzed C–H Insertion Reactions of Phenyl Carbocations

4 Silane-Fueled, Weakly Coordinating Anion-Catalyzed, Reductive C–H Insertion Reactions of Vinyl Carbocations

5 C–H Insertion Reactivity of Vinyl Carbocations under Basic Conditions

6 Conclusion and Outlook

Publication History

Received: 22 May 2020

Accepted: 03 June 2020

Article published online:
24 September 2020

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