Thromb Haemost 1963; 10(01): 120-132
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654768
Originalarbeiten — Original Article — Travaux Originaux
Schattauer GmbH

Effect of Bentonite on Fibrinolytic System in Serum

E. S Olesen
1   Biological Institute of the Carlsberg Foundation and the Nutrition Laboratory, Municipal Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
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Publication Date:
22 June 2018 (online)


Treatment of serum with bentonite led to a reduced content of inhibitors of trypsin and urokinase in the isoelectrically precipitated euglobulin, and removed fibrinolytic agents and precursors from serum. Bentonite-treated serum added to untreated serum reduced precipitation of the above inhibitors, and presumably also precipitation of inhibitors against a plasminogen activator of serum.

Bentonite-treated serum (whether from pig, ox, guinea-pig, or man), added to untreated guinea-pig serum, produced fibrinolytic activity on isoelectric precipitation of the mixture; the activity of the euglobulin was due to an activator of plasminogen as well as an active protease, probably plasmin. The described effects of bentonite-treated serum are similar to those previously reported for anionic polyelectrolytes. Possible mechanisms are discussed.

The “non-specific” activation of fibrinolytic activity by means of bentonite emphasizes that guinea-pig serum [which is characterized by a high potential for “nonspecific” activation of its fibrinolytic system Olesen (1962)] contains all the elements required for the formation of an activator of plasminogen, and thus the activation of its plasminogen to plasmin.

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