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DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1584189
Comparison between Closing-Wedge and Opening-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy in Patients with Medial Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Publication History
23 October 2015
28 March 2016
Publication Date:
24 May 2016 (online)

Young active patients with medial knee osteoarthritis (OA) combined with varus leg alignment can be treated with high tibial osteotomy (HTO) to stop the progression of OA and avoid or postpone total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Closing-wedge osteotomy (CWO) and opening-wedge osteotomy (OWO) are the most commonly used osteotomy techniques. The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical and radiologic outcomes and complications between OWO and CWO. We retrospectively evaluated 23 studies including 17 clinical trials from published databases from their inception to May 2015. We evaluated the clinical outcomes including operation time, visual analog scale (VAS), maximal flexion, and hospital for special surgery knee (HSS) score. The radiologic outcomes included patellar height measured by posterior tibial slope angle, hip-knee-ankle (HKA) angle, femorotibial (FT) axis, and limb length. Complications recorded included the incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), common peroneal nerve injury, opposite cortical fracture, etc. There were no differences in most of the clinical outcomes except the operation time. OWO increased the posterior slope angle and limb length, decreased the patellar height, and provided higher accuracy of correction. CWO led to a higher incidence of opposite cortical fracture.
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