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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1369955
Komorbidität von Diabetes mellitus und Depression in Deutschland
Ergebnisse der bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Querschnittstudie „Gesundheit in Deutschland aktuell“ (GEDA) 2009 und 2010Comorbidity of Diabetes Mellitus and Depression in the General Population in GermanyResults of the National Telephone Health Interview Survey “German Health Update (GEDA)” 2009 and 2010Publication History
Publication Date:
23 May 2014 (online)
Ziel der Studie: Untersuchung der Komorbidität von Diabetes und Depression.
Methode: In einer bundesweiten Stichprobe Erwachsener (n = 43 312) wurden 19 diagnostizierte chronische Krankheiten und diagnostizierte Depression erfasst.
Ergebnisse: 12-Monats-Prävalenzen: diagnostizierter Diabetes 7,4 %, diagnostizierte Depression 6,7 %, deren Komorbidität 0,8 %. Eine Assoziation beider Erkrankungen lag bei Personen unter 50 und bei Frauen von 50 – 64 Jahren vor. Sie war abhängig von der Anzahl weiterer Erkrankungen.
Schlussfolgerung: Trotz niedriger Prävalenz der Komorbidität besteht Versorgungsrelevanz.
Objective: To assess the comorbidity of diabetes and depression in the adult general population of Germany.
Methods: Data (n = 43 312) derived from the representative cross-sectional telephone survey „German Health Update (GEDA)”. Information about diagnosed chronic somatic diseases including diabetes and diagnosed depression was available for residents in private households. Age- and sex-specific adjusted logistic regressions were used to examine the association between diabetes and depression.
Results: 12-month prevalences: diagnosed diabetes 7.4 %, diagnosed depression 6.7 %, comorbidity of both 0.8 %. An association of diabetes and depression was found in people < 50 years and in women aged 50 – 64 years. This association was dependent on the number of additional chronic diseases.
Conclusion: Comorbidity of diabetes and depression was quite rare. Yet according to our results every 10th adult with diagnosed diabetes gets a depression diagnosis and every 9th adult with diagnosed depression has known diabetes. Underestimation for men and older adults due to diagnostic bias is possible. The combination of diabetes and depression is relevant for medical care because of its health burden.
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