Homœopathic Links 2011; 24(2): 118-123
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1271046

© Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Lac Elephas maximus – Traces of Enlightenment

Myriam Birrer Wiratunga Switzerland
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
25 May 2011 (online)


This article presents a proving of elephant milk. The elephant is one of the oldest, greatest, most universal and awe inspiring of metaphors with which mankind has been confronted. The fact that elephants are remarkable is recognized by all cultures which are familiar with them. No other animal has aroused so much fantasy or has been so popular. They are unique, not only because of their appearance and their special and most important tool, the trunk, but particularly because of their social and mental abilities. Elephants represent the best character traits. They embody that for which every human being deeply wishes, and all religions and great spiritual leaders have called upon: wisdom, dignity, compassion and a peace-loving nature.


  • 1 Tanner R. Dicke Haut und zarte Seelen – Mein Leben mit den Elefanten. Steinfurt: Edition Rasch & Röhring, Tecklenborg-Verlag; 2000
  • 2 Denis-Hout C, Denis-Huot M. Elefanten. Köln: Verlag Karl Müller; 2003
  • 3 Dröscher V B. Elefanten. Das grosse Jugendbuch. Stuttgart: Verlag Das Beste GmbH; 1992

Myriam Birrer Wiratunga

Kirchmattstrasse 3

6300 Zug


Email: myriam.bw@bluewin.ch