Planta Med 2010; 76(13): 1473-1476
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1240938
Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Piper peltatum: Biomass and 4-Nerolidylcatechol Production

Ana Cristina da Silva Pinto1 , Francisco Célio Maia Chaves2 , Pierre Alexandre dos Santos3 , Cecília Verônica Nunez3 , Wanderli Pedro Tadei3 , Adrian Martin Pohlit3
  • 1Federal University of Amazonas, Graduate Course in Biotechnology, Manaus, Brazil
  • 2Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, Manaus, Brazil
  • 3National Institute for Amazon Research, Department of Natural Product Research, Manaus, Brazil
Further Information

Publication History

received August 21, 2009 revised November 28, 2009

accepted February 1, 2010

Publication Date:
01 March 2010 (online)


Piper peltatum L. is used for the treatment of inflammation, malaria, and other ailments. 4-Nerolidylcatechol (4-NC) is a valuable natural product that has important anti-inflammatory, antimalarial, and antioxidant properties. 4-NC is a component of P. peltatum and P. umbellatum extracts, which are used in cosmetics. The aim of this work was to evaluate the production of plant biomass and the production of 4-NC in roots of cultivated P. peltatum over a full life cycle. Seedlings were produced in a greenhouse and then transplanted. The weight of dry plant parts (leaves, stems, roots, and inflorescences); numbers of stems, leaves, and inflorescences; and the leaf-to-stem ratio were evaluated at intervals of 60 days after transplanting (DAT). Extracts were prepared using 1 : 1 ethanol–chloroform and an ultrasound bath. Roots, leaves, and inflorescences contained 4-NC according to TLC photodensitometry analysis. Quantification of 4-NC in root extracts was performed using HPLC‐DAD analysis. Per-hectare production of 4-NC by roots was estimated based on quantitative HPLC analysis and biomass data. Optimal per-hectare yields of 4-NC were obtained by harvesting roots between 350 and 400 DAT. In this period, the average yield was 27 kg 4-NC per hectare. Importantly, at the time of maximal overall production of root biomass (470 DAT), there was a decrease in the production of 4-NC (23.8 kg/ha), probably due to the onset of senescence.


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Dr. Adrian Martin Pohlit

Department of Natural Product Research (CPPN)
National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA)

Av. André Araújo 2936

69060–001 Manaus


Phone: + 55 36 43 31 77

Fax: + 55 36 43 31 76
