Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2009; 117(7): 309-311
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1086000

© J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Disappearance of a GH Secreting Macroadenoma, during Long-term Somatostatin Analogue Administration

M. Özbek 1 , M. Erdogan 2 , E. Akbal 3 , G. Gönülalan 3
  • 1Ankara Dışkapı Education and Research Hospital, Endocrinology and Metabolism Disease, Ankara, Turkey
  • 2Ege University Medical School, Endocrinology and Metabolism Disease, Izmir, Turkey
  • 3Ankara Dışkapı Education and Research Hospital, Department of İnternal Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
Further Information

Publication History

received 19.01.2008 first decision 11.04.2008

accepted 14.08.2008

Publication Date:
07 October 2008 (online)


Acromegaly is caused by excessive growth hormone secretion, usually from a pituitary adenoma. Increased mortality rate is reverted to that of the normal population after decreasing GH and IGF-I levels to less than 2–2.5 μg/liter and normal sex- and age-matched controls, respectively, regardless of the treatment employed. The use of somatostatin analogues as primary or adjunctive therapy has been widely applied in the management of acromegaly. A few cases have been reported in the literature, complete shrinkage of a pituitary GH secreting macroadenoma after long-term somatostatin analogue administration. We report a patient in whom long term (60 months) octreotide-L.A.R administration resulted in complete disappearance of a growth hormone secreting pituitary macroadenoma.


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M. ErdoganMD 

Endocrinology and Metabolism Disease

Ege University Medical School

35100 Izmir


Phone: 90/532/713 83 19

Fax: 90/232/373 77 01

Email: drmerdogan61@yahoo.com