Am J Perinatol 2008; 25(9): 577-582
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1085626
© Thieme Medical Publishers

AKR1C1 and SRD5A1 Messenger RNA Expression at Term in the Human Myometrium and Chorioamniotic Membranes

Richard H. Lee1 , Frank Z. Stanczyk1 , Andrew Stolz2 , Qing Ji2 , Gloria Yang1 , T. Murphy Goodwin1
  • 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women's and Children's Hospital, University of Southern California–Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California
  • 2Department of Medicine, Women's and Children's Hospital, University of Southern California–Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California
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Publication History

Publication Date:
03 September 2008 (online)


We sought to determine relative mRNA expression of AKR1C1 and SRD5A1, which respectively encode for the key progesterone metabolizing enzymes, 20α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 5α-reductase type 1, in the myometrium and chorioamniotic membranes during human spontaneous or induced labor and nonlabor. Quantitative real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction was used to compare relative mRNA expression of AKR1C1 and SRD5A1 in the myometrium and chorioamniotic membranes from 20 subjects during three different states of labor: not in labor (n = 10), spontaneous labor (n = 5), or induced labor (n = 5). Labor was defined as regular uterine contractions that resulted in cervical dilation. Myometrial AKR1C1 mRNA expression was significantly greater in spontaneously laboring subjects compared with those not in labor (2.4-fold [1.97 to 2.98], p = 0.02). There was no difference in myometrial AKR1C1 mRNA expression between those with induced labor compared with those not in labor. Regardless of labor status, no differences were observed in the chorioamniotic membrane AKR1C1 mRNA expression between the groups. SRD5A1 mRNA expression was significantly lower in the membranes of both laboring groups when compared with those not in labor (spontaneous: 0.10-fold [0.06 to 0.18], p = 0.007; induced: 0.09-fold [0.03 to 0.25], p = 0.013). Regardless of labor status, there was no difference in SRD5A1 mRNA expression in the myometrium. Our study demonstrated tissue-specific changes in progesterone metabolizing enzyme mRNA expression in human intrauterine tissue at term associated with labor status. These observed changes in mRNA expression may have important implications for progesterone metabolism at those specific sites and thereby may differentially regulate the tissue-specific progesterone concentration and/or the level of specific progesterone metabolites.


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Richard H LeeM.D. 

Women's and Children's Hospital

1240 N. Mission Road, Room 5K-40, Los Angeles, CA 90033
