CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian J Radiol Imaging 2013; 23(04): 297-300
DOI: 10.4103/0971-3026.125583
Chest Radiology Minisymposia

Horse-shoe lung-rediscovered via volume rendered images

Alpa Bharati
NM Medical Center, Bandra; LTM General Hospital and Medical College, Sion, Mumbai, India
Suleman A Merchant
LTM General Hospital and Medical College, Sion, Mumbai, India
Swati Garekar
Fortis Hospital, Mulund, Mumbai, India
Tapan Patel
LTM General Hospital and Medical College, Sion, Mumbai, India
› Institutsangaben
Financial support and sponsorship Nil.


Horseshoe lung, usually associated with pulmonary venolobar syndrome, is a rare congenital anomaly involving the fusion of the postero-basal segments of the right and left lungs across the midline. The fused segment or the isthmus lies posterior to the pericardium and anterior to the aorta.The associated pulmonary venolobar syndrome involves anomalous systemic arterial supply and anomlaous systemic venous drainage of the right lung. With the advent of MDCT imaging, we can diagnose this rare condition as well all its associated anomalies non-invasively. Volume-rendered techniques greatly simplify the complex anatomy and provide easy understanding of the same.


Artikel online veröffentlicht:
30. Juli 2021

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