Methods Inf Med 2010; 49(01): 67-73
DOI: 10.3414/ME09-02-0044
Special Topic – Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH

Pervasive Healthcare

Paving the Way for a Pervasive, User-centered and Preventive Healthcare Model
B. Arnrich
1   ETH Zurich, Electronics Laboratory, Zurich, Switzerland
O. Mayora
2   Create-Net, Trento, Italy
J. Bardram
3   IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
G. Tröster
1   ETH Zurich, Electronics Laboratory, Zurich, Switzerland
› Institutsangaben
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received: 10. Oktober 2009

accepted: 12. November 2009

17. Januar 2018 (online)


Objectives: The aging of the population creates pressure on the healthcare systems in various ways. A massive increase of chronic disease conditions and age-related illness are predicted as the dominant forces driving the future health care. The objective of this paper is to present future research demands in pervasive healthcare with the goal to meet the healthcare challenges by paving the way for a pervasive, user-centered and preventive healthcare model.

Methods: This paper presents recent methodological approaches and proposes future research topics in three areas: i) pervasive, continuous and reliable long-term monitoring systems; ii) prevention through pervasive technology as a key element to maintain lifelong wellness; and iii) design and evaluation methods for ubiquitous, patient-centric technologies.

Results: Pervasive technology has been identified as a strong asset for achieving the vision of user-centered preventive healthcare. In order to make this vision a reality, new strategies for design, development and evaluation of technology have to find a common denominator and consequently interoperate. Moreover, the potential of pervasive health-care technologies offers new opportunities beyond traditional disease treatment and may play a major role in prevention, e.g. motivate healthy behavior and disease prevention throughout all stages of life. In this sense, open challenges in future research have to be addressed such as the variability of health indicators between individuals and the manner in which relevant health indicators are provided to the users in order to maximize their motivation to mitigate or prevent unhealthy behaviors. Additionally, collecting evidence that pervasive technology improves health is seen as one of the toughest challenges. Promising approaches are recently introduced, such as “clinical proof-of-concept” and balanced observational studies.

Conclusions: The paper concludes that pervasive healthcare will enable a paradigm shift from the established centralized healthcare model to a pervasive, user-centered and preventive overall lifestyle health management. In order to provide these new opportunities everywhere, anytime and to anyone, future research in the fields of pervasive sensing, pervasive prevention and evaluation of pervasive technology is inevitably needed.

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