Osteosynthesis and Trauma Care 2007; 15(2/03): 114-116
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-960706
Original Article

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Complete Hyperextension Fracture-Dislocation of the Lower Cervical Spine without Spinal Cord Deficit: A Case Report

A. Barquet1 , 2 , F. Nin2 , A. Dubra2
  • 1University Clinic of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • 2Department of Traumatology, Banco de Seguros del Estado, Montevideo, Uruguay
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
12 September 2007 (online)


An unusual case of complete hyperextension fracture-dislocation of C 6 on C 7 with no spinal cord deficit in a 50-year-old man is reported. Dissociation between the fractured posterior arch, remaining in good alignment, and the anteriorly displaced vertebral body, with anterior-posterior widening of the spinal canal, prevented spinal cord damage. Posterior open reduction and internal fixation with plates screwed to the articular masses resulted in anatomic and stable reposition of the displacements. One year after the injury, the patient was symptom-free, with almost full neck mobility and neurologically normal and CT scans showed a normal spinal canal.


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Dr. A. Barquet

Av. Sarmiento 2369, Apto. 301

11300 Montevideo


Email: antbar@adinet.com.uy