Planta Med 2004; 70(1): 79-80
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-815463
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Neuroprotective Lignans from the Bark of Machilus thunbergii

Choong Je Ma1 , Sang Hyun Sung2 , Young Choong Kim1
  • 1College of Pharmacy and Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
  • 2Institute for Life Science, Elcom Science Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea
This project was supported by NCCAM Grant No. 1 RO1-AT00106 - 05.
Further Information

Publication History

Received: June 23, 2003

Accepted: November 9, 2003

Publication Date:
06 February 2004 (online)


The CH2Cl2 fraction of the bark of Machilus thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc. (Lauraceae) significantly protected primary cultures of rat cortical cells exposed to the excitotoxic amino acid, L-glutamate. (-)-Isoguaiacin, meso-dihydroguaiaretic acid, machilin A, (+)-galbelgin, licarin A, (-)-sesamin, and (+)-guaiacin were isolated by bioactivity-guided fractionation from the CH2Cl2 fraction and further separated using chromatographic techniques. Isoguaiacin, meso-dihydroguaiaretic acid, licarin A and (+)-guaiacin had significant neuroprotective activities against glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in primary cultures of rat cortical cells at concentrations ranging from 0.1 μM to 10.0 μM.


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Young Choong Kim

College of Pharmacy

Seoul National University

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