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DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-44858
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Rational Treatment Planning for Injuries of the Thoracolumbar Spine
23. Februar 2004 (online)

Rational treatment planning entails systematically working through specific criteria pertaining to diagnosis, classification, indication, and therapy of thoracolumbar spinal injuries on the basis of experimental and clinical findings. All treatments should, of course, aim to restore the shape of the spine and to remove potential instabilities in advance. Surgery must enable early rehabilitation, particularly in the case of complete paraplegia, in order to prevent potential complications associated with this type of injury. The treatment indicated for stable fractures, where no further changes to the shape of the spine are expected if functional treatment is applied, is conservative, functional treatment. If surgical treatment is indicated, posterior stabilisation with a transpedicular anchored internal fixation system, by means of which the patient can be mobilised immediately, is preferred at present. The anterior column should be reconstructed by using minimally-invasive procedures and load bearing implants.
Key words
Thoracolumbar fractures - treatment standards - planning
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