Osteosynthesis and Trauma Care 2003; 11: 126-129
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-42317

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Intramedullary Nailing of Fractures of the Distal Tibia: A Borderline Indication

J. Vastmans1 , T. Muckley1 , S. Hauck1 , B. Boszczyk1 , V. Bühren1
  • 1Department of Traumatology, BG-Traumacenter, Murnau, Germany
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24. September 2003 (online)


The nailing of fractures in the distal part of the tibia, even those with intraarticular extension (certain type A, B1 and C1-fractures of the pilon: AO 43), is possible and a good alternative to open reduction and plate-osteosynthesis of the tibia. Only the distal fibula needs an open stabilization. This biological minimally invasive fracture treatment avoids extensive soft-tissue trauma and problems of wound healing. In a prospective study spanning two years (from 01.01.2000 until 31.12.2001) 30 fractures of the distal tibia, stabilized with an intercompression-nail (IC-nail, Stryker), were analyzed. No soft-tissue problems were seen, only in one case of a second degree open fracture a postoperative infection developed, which needed five revision operations with jetting and nail exchange. One rotational malalignment of 15 degrees needed a corrective osteotomy. Eight fractures (26.6 %) were dynamized after six weeks. In one case cancellous bone grafting was required. The time of hospitalization of patients with closed distal fracture treatment was less than nine days. Only in cases with open fractures or multiple injury a longer stay was necessary.


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  • 2 Bühren V. Kompressionsmarknagelung langer Röhrenknochen.  Unfallchirurg. 2000;  103 708-720
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  • 6 Robinson C M, Mc Lauchlan G J, Mc Lean I P, Court Brown C M. Distal metaphysal fractures of the tibia with minimal involvement of the ankle: classification and treatment by locked intramedullary nailing.  J Bone Joint Surg [Br]. 1995;  77 781-787
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Jan M. Vastmans M. D. 

Department of Traumatology

Section Spinesurgery

BG-Traumacenter Murnau

Prof. Küntscherstr. 8

82418 Murnau


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