Horm Metab Res 2003; 35(7): 439-443
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-41626
Original Clinical
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Pancreatic Hormonal and Metabolic Responses in Overfed Ducks

S.  Davail 1 , N.  Rideau 2 , G.  Guy 3 , J.  M.  André1 , R.  Hoo-Paris 1
  • 1Laboratoire de Biologie et Nutrition Appliquée, IUT des Pays de l'Adour, France
  • 2Station de recherches avicoles, INRA de Tours-Nouzilly, France
  • 3Station Expérimentale des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, INRA, Artiguères, France
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Received 25 October 2002

Accepted after Revision 4 February 2003

21. August 2003 (online)


When overfed at their maximum (intensive overfeeding) or at only 80 % (moderate overfeeding) of food intake capacity, Mule ducks developed strong liver steatosis, whereas Pekin ducks showed very marked extrahepatic fattening. During overfeeding, evolution of plasma glucose and triacylglycerol concentrations suggested a very strong increase in the hepatic lipogenesis as well as genotype- and diet-independent lipoprotein secretion. In contrast, lipoprotein-lipase activity was dependent on alimentary status (the intensive overfeeding induces the highest activities), and Pekin ducks showed higher lipoprotein-lipase activity than Mule ducks, which could favor extrahepatic fattening to the detriment of hepatic steatosis. In Pekin ducks, plasma pancreatic hormone concentrations are related to diet levels and blood sugar. With similar food intake, Mule ducks (moderately overfed) showed global blood insulin lower than that of Pekin ducks (intensively overfed) despite similar blood sugar levels, suggesting a trend towards reduced pancreas response to glucose in Mule ducks. This may result from their lower lipoprotein-lipase activity as previously shown in these two ducks overfed at only 60 % of their maximal food intake capacity (unpublished results). These results suggest that high plasma insulin concentrations may be necessary to induce an optimum lipoprotein-lipase activity in overfed ducks.


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R. Hoo-Paris

Laboratoire de Nutrition et Biologie Appliquée · IUT de Mont de Marsan

371 rue du ruisseau · BP201 · 40004 Mont de Marsan · Cedex · France

Telefon: + 33 (5) 59923401 or + 33 (5) 58057609 ·

eMail: robert.hoo-paris@univ-pau.fr